This geezer, in this moment and in this episode makes me …think…
Okay teeming millions what would flip your coin? (even if for a moment)
This geezer, in this moment and in this episode makes me …think…
Okay teeming millions what would flip your coin? (even if for a moment)
I have no idea what this thread is about and I’m not clicking that link based upon the innuendo…
It’s a link to the Doors playing “Light My Fire.” I’m pretty sure that the topic is “Who would make you consider ‘playing for the other team’?”
Ah, thank you
Isaiah Mustafa from the Old Spice adverts, goddamn he’s good looking and you know I don’t know anything about him really but he just comes across as a good guy and hilarious to boot*.
Edit: And apparently from his website he’s also a complete nerd, score!
*as I discovered while getting worryingly invested in playing a female character in the Mass Effect series if I was into guys I’d go for the ‘boring but decent’ type, eg Kaiden Alenko, really if ‘a bit bland’ is the worst you can say about a man then he’s doing alright.
If you can say, “Am totally straight but…”, you’re not.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
That clip is awful. His singing is flat and shallow.
I… liked Kaidan. I think it’s the voice; I love that voice actor.
Hey, maybe the Old Spice guy should try voice acting! Anyway, being a straight gal, that’s not my vote.
I can’t think of anyone right now, though since I’m talking about voice acting, maybe Jennifer Hale, the voice of Female Shepard, Bastila/Satele Shan, Aribeth, and craploads of other women in video games and cartoons.
At the risk of derailing this thread I looked up Kaidens voice actor, ah he doesn’t really do it for me (I think its the hair), I’m so shallow.
Anyway this was quite interesting, its surprising how many of the voice actors look like their characters, I wonder if this was a concious decision on Biowares part.
Oh, wait, the lovely and hardcore Samara would probably fit for me. Character again, not actor.
(I think they did lots of motion capture so just using their real faces was probably easier. However, MaleShep’s face was copied from a Dutch model, IIRC Mark Vanderloo. The voice actor, Mark Meer, did cosplay as MaleShep for at least one convention.)
Pretty much this.
If there is someone, anyone of the same sex that you would consider going for, then you are not 100% heterosexual. And no, there isn’t anything wrong with that. It isn’t a binary switch, it’s a spectrum.
My not-so-secret man crushes are on Joeseph Gordon Levitt and Dave Grohl, though if I were to hook up with Grohl, I’d want to him to trim up that beard. He’s so shaggy.
You’re not stoned enough.
Yeah maybe just remove the word “totally.”
Actually, not even remotely true.
How so? It seems like a pretty common-sense distinction to me.
I consider myself 100% gay but I’ve had explicit sexual dreams about women, and could even entertain the idea of possibly, maybe one day having sex with a woman or at least falling romantically in love with one (which wouldn’t be hard at all). Still, I’m totally gay.
I might be able to go straight for Shakira.
Please explain why you think this is not true.
My WAG? Bisexuality, even being just a tiny bit bi, is a tad more flexible than “no way except for this one (or two) hot, famous person.” It’s the embodiment of “the exception that proves the rule.”
What do you mean? It seems obviously true to me.