Hello, Eve–I do well, thank you.
I realize fully that there are people of every variety on the Internet, in all forums, in all places. However, if someone asks for an honest answer, then expect that I will not censor myself to what is politically correct, or to the kind of answers you would like to hear. Therefore I stand by what I said and how I said it.
I will also concede that I may possibly have already met post-op transsexuals that I could not identify as such, which is why I phrased my answer as I did. “Based on what I have seen,” etc. I am arrogant, but not quite so arrogant as to think I’m infallible.
I also know several transgendered folk on other forums on the Internet and we have discussed these things before. Gender relations fascinate me, and I have watched a special that featured several MTF and FTM post-ops that were, in fact, very convincing. One MTF had a job as a stripper; the bar patrons had no idea, and I would not have, either. They also showed one that was less than convincing. As far as I could tell, the show was balanced and fair.
I realize there is a time to be discreet and a time to be honest and forthcoming. I even admit as such in my first post: that it would be easier to get my attention if I weren’t aware of the “woman’s” past. And, from your indication that you conceal your past from men you date, you evidently realize the same thing.
I know only a little bit about the SRS protocol, and I have to admire someone with the temerity to make a difficult decision, and carry it completely through. It is not a choice I would ever make for myself–I’d probably make a terrible woman, and in any case, I’m happy as I am. I congratulate you on your courage and resolve.
But the question is, do you care what I really think, or would you prefer me to lie or keep silent? My suspicion here is that most of the men (possibly myself included) find it a question too dangerous to the vaunted male sexuality to ever admit they can be bamboozled by a skilled surgeon. As a result, I doubt many answers here will be particularly honest–most are accompanied by posturing and chest-thumping that isn’t particularly informative.
I can be fooled. I do not believe I have ever met anyone personally who has fooled me, but then again, how would I know? The biggest obstacle to such an affair is, as I said, knowing the truth. I know that I would want to hear the truth, in any relationship; there is no substitute. I will continue to be honest when I am asked for my honest opinion.