Wait, when did “don’t use your stuff to settle a bill with the locals” become a rule? I swear I remember teams trading stuff to taxi drivers before. I guess such a rule prevents teams from going on the Race looking like Mr T with extra neckwear, but it seems pretty harsh to leave them with no recourse if they miscalculate their cash reserves. In any case, given that it’s a rule, I don’t doubt it was clearly explained to the teams this season, presumably in a class that Mark & Mike slept through.
Um, did I read it right that Tammy & Victor started the leg a full three hours before Cara & Jaime (9:27 v. 12:41)? How did that happen? Last episode, Mark & Mike arrived first and had a one-hour penalty, dropping them to third. How did the one-hour penalty turn into three hours? Extra time credits/penalties of some sort? (I see other people noticed that too; good, it’s not just me.)
Anyway, time for the…
Taxi Assessment
Stuck in the Desert and Officially Detained - or, Philiminated with extreme prejudice.
Jennifer and Preston - Working out their relationship in Sequesterville.
Linda and Steve - Probably secretly glad they’re not Racing any more.
Brad and Victoria - Taking the long way back home, with plenty of layovers.
Amanda and Kris - Probably washing more than their fair share of dishes in Sequesterville.
Christie and Jodi - Pointing out emergency exits in Sequesterville.
Mel and Mike - Gone, alas.
Flat Tire - or, not likely to get anywhere soon.
Mark and Michael (down from “Flat Tire”) - Yow; two major errors in one leg, but a reprieve at the end. Since the show’s been in Thailand tor two episodes now, it’s a good bet they fly to another country at the beginning of the next ep, which means Mark & Mike’s three hour lag will probably be wiped at the airport. If it’s not,and Mark & Mike get on a later plane, they’re well and truly screwed and the next episode gets kinda boring. If they do catch up, they’re still moderately screwed, as they have to do one more task than everyone else, which means they have one more set of instructions they can misread. Not looking good for the boys, I’m afraid.
Stopping for Gas - or, not broken-down, exactly, but not a good sign.
No one, really.
"Rapido! Por Favor?" - or, making meaningless ineffectual comments from the back seat, but in no immediate danger.
LaKisha and Jennifer (holding steady) - I think it was last week I said Cara & Jaime looked a little more likely to make the final three than LaKisha & Jennifer; events this episode are proving me correct. I suppose you could argue that LaKisha & Jennifer made just one mistake (leaving their stuff) this episode. (And it was a surprisingly popular mistake–LaKisha & Jennifer and Mark & Mike did leave their stuff, and Cara & Jaime and Tammy & Victor had to return to dock for theirs. That’s 4/5 teams.) But their mistake was compounded by leaving their passports and money, of all things. On the bright side, they’re not eliminated, and not even in last place, so their boondoggle probably only cost them some extra cash for taxis.
In the Passing Lane - or, ahead of the pack, but not quite comfortably.
Cara and Jaime (holding steady) - A solid leg and a second-place finish for the second time in a row makes this team look more like final-three material.
Cruisin’ with Earl - or, drivin’ on the shoulder, takin’ shortcuts, and generally kickin’ butt.
Margie and Luke (holding steady) - I suspect Margie & Luke made the “correct” Detour choice, as the oogy task is usually shorter than the non-oogy task. Since Margie & Luke were probably only a few minutes ahead of Cara & Jaime after the Roadblock, and Cara & Jaime never caught up, it looks like the teeth-task was shorter than the karaoke-task. It’ll be interesting to see start times next week. In any case, a flawless leg this week and a first-place finish.
Tammy and Victor (holding steady) - How hard is it to fasten on a propeller? It’s like three parts, and you turn the last one clockwise until it stops. Were Victor’s triceps just not up to the task? Sheesh. Still, good call on actually taking luggage with them–I would have thought this was a no-brainer, but apparently it’s not. And I’d like to point out that this team seems to be working well together, despite the stress of being in last place for a good chunk of the leg–that was the lingering question raised way back in episode three during Victor’s blowout. Gotta say this team’s a lock for final three, despite their less-than-perfect outing this week.
[sub]Props to Mullinator and his Raj Ratings.[/sub]