Amazing Race 11/23


Let the fun continue.

And please, someone tell Jonathan to shut up.

Jonathon is beyond awful, but I am pleased that there appears to be 3 or 4 teams on the show that are completely enjoying the experience. It has seemed more recently that a lot of teams go into immediate helter skelter mode but now some of them work hard but also realized the amazing portion of the title as much as the race portion.

The old folks, they are not long for this contest. Neither is the Nutty Professor.

Geez freakin’ louise, could Jonathan be any more obnoxious?

Jonathan makes me miss Colin.

I’m rooting for Don and MJ, who remind me so much of my parents it’s scary.

And Gus and Hera because they both just seem so laid back.

I like Jon and Kris but my favorites are, by far, are Lena and Kristy. I bet you can’t guess why?!?

Well, tonight was a gimme. It was pretty obvious who was leaving.

I just want to note that Botox/Jonathan is an utter clusterfudge, who I dearly pray gets his just rewards from a rabid elk.

Wow, that was a team that needed to go. They seemed to enjoy the Race, but were just not any good at it.

There seems to be a lot more likeable teams this time. Except for the Jonathon the jerkwad. When you rear back to hit in anger, you’ve likely followed through at some point.

Knowing that you’re probably going to have to drive all over Europe, where standard shift vehicles are the norm…why in Og’s name wouldn’t you PRACTICE DRIVING ONE before you got on the show???

Based on the trailer for Episode 3, Jonathan will be doing unspeakable things to puppies by Ep. 8 if he stays that long.


  1. All around, a pretty bad day for all the teams save Kris/Jon and Gus/Hera. That CIA training must have included archery and how to properly throw an ax. (Needless to say, no day is a good day for Team Hollywood A**hole.)

  2. The mad navigation skillz Aaron displayed in Iceland seems to have abandoned him in Norway. (And where did they lose that hour between The Blue Lagoon and the airport?) I really wanted to like this team after Ep. 1 but their genial camraderie got replaced by some snipy bickering (mind you pretty mild for this crew, but still…)

  3. Adam is such a blatantly obvious closet case (a mother-loving drama queen??) that I believe he may actually be straight…

  4. Not sad to see Maria/Meredith go. They were nice enough, but such incompetent racers that it was kind of painful watching them.

  5. Exactly how did they separate the two teams into the canoes? That was such a freakishly lopsided imbalance skill-wise.

Funniest moment of the show: Phil’s expression of pure terror when Lori grabs him at the pit stop.

Could it have been in order of the teams’ arrival at the canoe port? Did anyone notice whether the first five teams (i.e. the strongest teams) were actually the first five to arrive?

Otherwise, if they drew straws, it was a very strange deck-stacking draw!

And I really do like this new race rule that evenly distributes the tasks between the racers in the Roadblocks (or is it the Detours? I still don’t have those two straight and I’ve seen every episode of every race so far!).

I don’t think so. Hayden and Aaron came to that stop in 8th/9th.

I was disappointed with all the deliberate bunching going on in this ep. I understand that sometimes you have to bunch (airports, train stations, etc.), but basically putting everyone into two canoes? That was blatant. And horrible. If I were the sisters, I’d have been pissed at that…it blew their lead completely to little tiny bits.

Oh, and a big fat “word!” to whoever mentioned learning to drive a freakin’ stick! In most of the world, automatic transmissions are an awful lot rarer than they are in the US. Not to mention all of the auto-knowledgeable viewers who were crying to listen to those gears grind…

I talk English good!

That should be, “…viewers who were crying listening to those gears grind…”, of course.

And Phil’s mind was screaming: “Omigod! Hugs. Hugs!! Not HURT. Do Not hurt the host. NEW RULE. DO NOT HURT THE HOST.”

And Mr. Asshat? “You’re a whiner. You’re slow. <Hold still while I hit you with the tailgate. You deserve it.> We’re Number One! I’m so proud of myself!” Please. Give me 5 minutes. That’s all I need. There won’t even be blood, just a greasy spot with blue hair.

TAR rule 1: Don’t touch Phil.
TAR rule 2: learn to drive stick.

Of course, the line of the night goes to Team Medicare for asking if they could get senior citizen discount tickets. Way to save, guys.

Somehow, I missed the first half hour. Can someone recap for me? I started watching when they were in the canoes.

Basically, fly to Oslo, Norway, and go to the Olympic ski-jump. It’s a roadblock: Zipline 1000 feet down to the bottom, then drive yourself to the Viking Village where the canoes were.

They changed the rules for roadblocks this season, though. No single team member may do more than six roadblocks. I think this was to prevent teams like Chip & Kim, where Chip basically did all but one of the roadblocks last season.

Otherwise, it was basically what we’ve come to expect from these teams: Team Botox whining, yelling and sighing loudly, Team 'Roid Rage way too intense, Team Mormon being smiley friendly (they charmed a local into guiding them around Oslo), Team Geritol really making me sad they’re not going to last that long, Team “Really, Dad…” kind of bumbling around and lucking out in not being last, and Team Bronx Chix floundering about like two women who’ve never been north of Woodlawn.

Oh, and I’d like to note that whoever called Adam as the guy who stalked Rebecca for six months after their breakup…good job! “I’m just going to jump on the tracks! I’ll just jump on the railroad tracks right now!”

Great googly-moogly! Talk about your alarm bells…

The sisters called Assathon, “Botox”,


I was very surprised that on the skiing task they were not wearing elbow pads. And I also like the new rule limiting Roadblocks.

Jonathon is the most annoying person ever. There is no way around it. When he was going on with his “I am so great” line I did get my one enjoyment out of him the entire episode when I and the other team there already did a simul-gag. And he doesn’t treat anybody nicely. If I was in the race with him I’d wait until the camera was turned and then push him off a tall roadblock or detour location.

And what is with the teams this season. I know that things never go smoothly but that leg was pretty much a disaster.

Also bunching early on in the first few legs is extremely good. When they’re dealing a field of as many teams as they are now getting everyone into a few hour block is a good thing, but I don’t like the multiple bunch points like we saw in this episode. After that initial bunch I want the rest of the leg to be run as a straight race.

The Kim Rule is interesting but we’ll have to see if it makes teams run the race differently. This was a good roadblock to start with since it was one of the letting gravity do all the work ones, but when those specialized ones come up then the team picks will be something to watch.

And Hellboy is seriously freaking me out. He is not a stable person by any stretch.