American Idols: Justin looks like Sideshow Bob

Okay, seriously, I can’t be the only person who thinks this.

I watched last night and I do think Justin sings extremely well but he gives me this weird vibe like he’s going to be the next Michael Jackson or something. And he looks like Sideshow Bob!

Anyone else notice this?


He’s also too cavalier up there. Although he clearly has amazing control over his voice – never off key, right on the beat all the time.

Kelly was the best last night.

Ryan Starr was dreadful, although Simon didn’t have to put it that way. (She was off key for the entire length of the song!)

Nikki was bad, as was AJ.

I wish the vote were to vote people off, not to vote for who you like (at least for the next few rounds).

I’m so glad I’m not the only one who noticed that. I thought maybe I was just getting too old to appreciate the new style. Sideshow Bob, yes indeed. Ugh.

He’s good. But Kelly should win it, IMO.

Wow, I’m really partial to Tamyra. It probably doesn’t hurt that I loved her version of the Tina Turner song Fool in Love.

Kelly is good but I don’t think she’s got the entire package, for some reason. She doesn’t seem to have the full look.

Justin is good because he really is never off key and he sings extremely well. I think, however, that he’s getting cocky and I don’t like that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ryan Starr really is not good. She’s hanging on by the skin of her teeth, IMHO. Plus, I stare at her nose the entire time. :stuck_out_tongue:

AJ…well, he was kicked off. No need to say more than that.

RJ did a nice job on Dock of the Bay, I thought. I don’t think he has all the…pizazz he needs but he seems very nice. I hope he finds a nice boy. :smiley:

I like Simon. I think that he’s right on target most of the time. I do, however, think that he could phrase things in a more constructive way.


I don’t watch the show. Does he have great big feet and step on rakes alot?

In an interview I read, Justin himself made the sideshow Bob comparison, so it’s nothing new. I cannot fathomwhy girls like him; his hair is bad enough, but the boy is painfully unattractive, to me anyway. Clearly, mine is a minority view.

AJ deserved to be booted off, 'cos he’s just not that good. I had hoped that he or RJ would come out of the closet on the show.

In my view, Tamyra is the clear winner; she has the voice, the looks, and the sparkle to win.

I also think the criticisms of Simon Cowell are offbase; the man was brought over to the US to reprise his role in the UK show. He is cruel and bitchy in his critiques of the performers because the producers have cast him as The Man You Love to Hate–I’m surprised so few people get that.

The hosts are a pair of LA fluffheads, but I would like to nail the blonde one–wow, is he hot!

Well, it might help if you put a link showing what Sideshow Bob looks like, for those of us who don’t know.

They do? This was the first episode I watched, but I thought it was quite obvious. Especially when the crowd began cheerfully booing him as his name was announced.

Sideshow Bob:

I think Justin and Tamyra are even odds to win it, but I’d like to see Kelly pull a come-from-behind victory.

Yeah, a lot of people have seriously lost the Justin love since he acted all cocky on Tuesday night–I didn’t actually see it, but I read about it, and while it didn’t sound like a huge deal, maybe you had to be there. And shove over, gobear, I’ll go sit on the “Justin is fugly” bench with you. Why don’t more people like RJ? He’s such a cutie. My favorite is definitely Kelli, though; man, can she sing. Tamyra’s awesome, too, but she’s mega polished and so sure of herself–something tells me that she could get herself somewhere whether she had participated in this or not (wasn’t she Miss Atlanta or something?) Kelli’s dorkier, you know? I just feel like she’s a true unknown. Saying that, I won’t be pissed if Tamyra wins at all–anyone but Sideshow Bob.

My apologies. I am at work which makes it difficult, if not impossible, to get to a site (through our government filters) which has a picture of Sideshow Bob. Fortunately, someone was able to help me get a link. I hope this helps:


Unfortunately, I can no longer link to the NYTimes article about Simon but basically, Simon is taking his bitchy little self all the way to the bank. The show concept is his and his partner’s. He is an excutive with BMI (I believe that is the record label) and 19 Entertainment (the production company that is producing American Idol) is his.

He knows what makes good television and I think much of what you see is all for the camera. Simon gets it.

hee hee


Haven’t seen the show, but maybe for the finale, Justin should sing from the H.M.S. Pinafore score.

Am I the only person who loved Ryan’s performance? Hmm, I guess so. I’m not about to feel bad for the tall, thin, pretty girl, though. She and Justin were the ones I pegged in the beginning to get definitely swiped up should neither of them win (and not just a “Even though she lost, Ryan’s not about to give up…blah blah…lifelong dream…blah…singing into a hairbrush… probably something about God…” sound byte on Entertainment Tonight. A real career).

For those of you who haven’t had the complete American Idol experience, a friend has been keeping a hilarious diary, seen here:

Justin is god.

I think Justin and Tamyra have some special quality that makes them stand out from the rest of the bunch. And I think Justin will win, in spite of the attitude that came seeping out Tuesday, because I think teen girls control who wins this show. And I think Justin is very large with Teen Girls! (Sorry Tamyra!) Of course he looks like Sideshow Bob; it’s part of his charm.
As for Simon, he’s the breakthrough star of the summer. He looks good. . . and he’s spot on in his criticisms of these kids. If they can’t take the heat, they should get out of show biz, cuz it’s all about heat!
The Ryan and Brian show? Puh-leeze! Go back to radio.

I agree completely with Annieclaus. Justin will probably win because of the huge support from teenage girls.

I really, really dislike the hosts, as well. That brown haired guy is downright…whiny. He has a scwooshed face.


Oh God! Justin! He is so hot! I just want to die…
But seriously, what’s with the hair? Can’t he make up his mind already?