American Politics

It has to be said.

I am fucking sick and tired of all the threads about Clinton, McCain, Obama and all the fucking rest of the various twats running for the the US presidents job.

Realising that this is an American based MB and that a good percentage of posters are American I have no alternative but to suck it up.

Even so it gets on my fucking nerves, nobody gives a rats arse who wins (outside of the US) and that is the fucking truth.

Jesus on a rocking horse, give it a rest willya


<On behalf of all of America, except DigitalC>
</On behalf of all of America, except DigitalC>

It may be your truth but it’s not the actual truth. I’m interested, a lot of my friends are. Irish news and the British news I saw(BBC, Ch4, Sky, ITV) all led with Obama winning the primaries.

You’re right about the amount of threads but you can do nothing about it. It hasn’t really started yet BTW, just wait till the general elections gets going.

No one cares?

World tunes in to Obama win

Fantastic. As soon as the Guardian endorses Obama, I’m voting for McCain. I don’t know what it is about foreign news services harping on our presidential candidates, but you’d think they’d learn to be quiet by now.

Why should they be quiet? It’s not American exceptionalism to say this: as the United States goes, so goes the world. One day that may change, but right now it’s the reality. Therefore, they are perfectly within their rights, and quite sensible at that, to pay attention to our electoral process. It’s going to have an effect on them one way or another, no matter who wins.

If I were you, chowder, I’d certainly concern myself with whether it will be Obama or McCain barking orders at your PM for the next several years. YMMV.

Yes, I’m kidding.

Remember four years ago when the Guardian started calling random people in swing states and asking them to vote for Kerry? That was classy. Worked out real well too.

Indeed. My country is very dependent on US multinationals. Dell, IBM, Apple, HP, Intel, Google and many many more have their European HQ’s or at least a major presence in Ireland. Add to that we have set aside our supposed neutrality and allowed the US use Shannon airport as a stop over on the way to war.

We are also effected by the credit crunch and the price of oil. While the office of the POTUS may not have as much influence as it used to have over financial pressures it is still very important and influential.

The business that I work in is very influenced by US regulation changes etc…

Damn right I’m interested in US politics outside of the whole news junkie thing and I’m a big news junkie.

Hey, I understand chowder entirely. Even I get sick of seeing it sometimes. Four years ago during the election I took a hiatus from the boards. Granted, the vitriol level was much higher during that election cycle.

I’m British and I’m very interested.

I’d be worried if, on a board of this standard, there was minimal discussion of the election. It happens to be rather important, not just to Americans but the world. If you don’t like the threads don’t read them.

I’m interested, but it is getting overwhelming. We really don’t need a new thread everytime one of the major players hiccups.

Funny, NPR today had a great bit on the popularity of the American Presidencial candidates abroad. Seems there’s great interest in Obama from places all around the globe. I heard a man from Brittain saying Obama represents a likeable change to American Foreign Policy, I mean the brits have soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan and I’m sure many other places…His relatives from his father’s side come from Kenya, and there is a great sense from the people there that they are very excited to see this for the United States. More often than not Obama get’s a favorable review from people aborad that I have heard.

And well you should be as an Irishman, seeing as how there are more of you here than in Ireland. And it doesn’t surprise me that O’Bama should be popular with the leprechuan stompers.

And though it does get old, it’s kind of nice to have a barometer somewhere in the back of my head keeping tabs on which of them is fucking up or doing something cool.

So … another vote for not giving it a rest.

Yeah? Well British food tastes like overcooked ass.

Not really. Most politically aware people I know in the UK are pretty concerned about the US leadership with regard to foreign policy.

(And to a person, they want Bush out, and almost all favour Obama.)

Wow, non-US WATB! What, too many letters in thread titles clogging up your eyespace?? If you don’t like threads about American Politics, it sure sucks for you that we have the magickal mind control machine forcing your shaking fingers to click on the links, as you resist so mightily.

Thanks for your opinion, it means a lot.

Underlingin mine - I just have to interject that that tore me up! :smiley: I laughed out loud. I’got a lot of freinds and relatives who are paddys and that’s a new one for me! I’m going to have to give Uncle Gaelen a call!

Carry on.

On some level, the country that harps more than any other about human rights and oppression and ethnic cleansing and so on really ought to set a better example. Obama becoming a plausible candidate might just reflect some of that.