Amount of body hair directly proportional to the amount of testosterone,However....

Studies have shown a proportional relationship of testosterone levels to the amount of body hair. The hair growth response to testosterone differs in different parts of the body. Hence, in some men, for example, testosterone promotes hair growth in the abdomen and back while hair growth is suppressed in the scalp, leading to male pattern baldness.
However, genetics plays a major role in the expression of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which converts testosterone to the hair-altering compound dihydrotestosterone(DHT).The ability for skin enzyme to convert testosterone to DHT DIFFERS FROM PERSON TO PERSON.
In addition, the sensitivity of receptors in hair follicle under skin (body skin or scalp) in respond to DHT is also determined by genetics. Some people (for example WOMEN, EUROPEAN MALE, ARAB MALE etc) have sensitive hair follicle receptors, (in simple language, their tolerance for DHT is low or poor). they tend to develop hairy body even under little DHT.
While some people (for example EAST ASIAN MALE, BLACK MALE etc) have insensitive hair follicle receptors, (in simple language, their tolerance for DHT is high). they don’t develop hairy body even under excess DHT.
The interesting thing is that even in same person, the sensitivity of hair follicle receptors differs in different parts of body, and more interesting is that the sensitivity of hair follicle receptors may change over age or other factors.
So in order for the conclusion proportional relationship of testosterone levels to the amount of body hair to be true,it must be applied to the SAME PERSON whose skin enzyme ability to convert testosterone to DHT is HIGH and at the same time the hair follicle receptors’s tolerance for DHT is POOR, or a combination or two or possibly other factors that works together inexplicably.

Hence high testosterone doesn’t necessarily mean more hairy, and more hairy doesn’t necessarily mean high testosterone.

With this knowledge in hand, you can explain all the things related to body hair, baldness, and testosterone, and clear all the myth which has been puzzling folks for centuries; for example,

Why I am still hairy like animal while my testosterone level is LOW?
Why my skin is smooth despite my testosterone is SURPASS standard level?
Why my CHEST is as hairy as chimpanzee while my LEGS are as smooth as banana?
Why I begin to develop hairy body when I am approaching FORTIES, when my testosterone level is supposed to be lower?
Why my BODY is smooth but I still get BALD?
Why BLACK PEOPLE who are said to have higher testosterone have much less hairy body than us?
When administered extra testosterone, why OTHERS become more hairy but it has no effect on ME?
The drug companies are developing some drugs based on this discovery, for example, one drug in the market is said to inhibit the action of skin enzyme (5-alpha reductase) and can reverse male pattern baldness in some men.

Oh, big hairy ass deal!

Which explains why I’ve always wanted to eat my legs!!

I don’t see a debate, here.
I am sending this to MPSIMS.

O.K., but really what’s the straight dope on how women feel about guys with hairy butts.

My hairy butt is a major point of insecurity for me. Shaving it seems weird though because my legs are very hairy all the way up to my butt- and I don’t want to shave my legs. A clean shaven butt atop hairy legs …I just feel like that would make such grooming very very obvious and I’d come off as foolish because of it.

Now …where is that “DELETE Post!” button?

You could paint it red and blue to start some type of mandrill-chic fashion movement.

  • Why elephant have big teeth and lady elephant not have big teeth?

=-Why lion have big teeth and lady lion not have?

< Why hippo have big teeth and lady hippo also have?
Elephant have teeth too big to fit in mouth, must keep teeth outside mouth on face. If keep too big teeth in mouth go extinct like saber-tooth tiger. But have king of testosterone; king of jungle. No hair on head!

Lion have big teeth, not so big like saber-tooth, not go extinct, but cause of high testosterone must roar to show testosterone teeth. Also, no hair on head, but giant neck beard!

Hippo not afraid lion, also have big teeth, also roar! Lady hippo also have high testosterone, afraid only elephant!

Man have hairy testosterone gluteus, illegal to display; result of laws enacted by low-testosterone men. Can still display with speech: tell all who meet, “I am hairy testosterone gluteus man! Not illegal to display in private! I show you now in bathroom!”

Display proudly high testosterone gluteus.

Kazakhstan greatest country in the world.
All other countries are run by little girls.
Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium.
Other countries have inferior potassium.

Then why aren’t us men with hairy backs not seen as highly desirable specimens of masculinity?

Seriously, when I want to feel the breeze in my hair, I have to take off my shirt and run backwards. And you know what’s the difference between a hairy back and a sweater? Sweaters come off in the summertime.

I’m tired of having to find trees to scratch my back on…

Blue circle around a red circle, with some yellow in the middle would really bring the point home. :eek:

My guess is that high testosterone does not necessarily mean highest attractiveness.

As for the OP’s question: it’s just a correlation. The mechanism for producing body hair is not just testosterone. There are androgen insensitivities, after all.

Clean is all we ask.

As per the reasons outlined in the post, a man who is very hairy is because he has similar skin property to women’s, that is her/his skin follicle is too sensitive to testosterone, that’s why real women instinctively pefer men who are less hairy, which resembles the real men whose skin tolerance for testosterone is very high.


Wait, is the OP seriously claiming that women have more body hair than men?

This is why I read the dope. Thank you sir. I laughed very hard. My secretaries think I am crazy. :smiley:

Isn’t this statement inconsistent with the thread title and first sentence of the OP? Did you mean to say there’s a positive correlation? If I understand the terminology correctly, “directly proportional” would mean a perfect correlation: the higher the testosterone, the more body hair (and vice versa).

Why BLACK PEOPLE who are said to have higher testosterone have much less hairy body than us?

Really, higher testosterone?

Hey, you heard the man; are said. Interesting water cooler he hangs at.

I guess that’s why they’re so sexually aggressive and prone to rape. :confused: