Amusing spam.

With the new spam filters around the spammers are having to get creative to get through, and don’t really know what they are saying, which amuses me as I am very bored.

Today I got a message that had a proven method to increase my gonad to 8-10 inches.

My immediate thoughts were:
A.Only one of them? That’s going to look really lopsided, you think they could find a proven way to grow both of them.

B. In how many dimensions, is my gonad going to be long and skinny, or a big 8 inch ball.

C. I would have to get all new underwear, probably custom made. Not to mention, will my scrotum adjust automatically, or do I need extra surgery, cause I don’t think there is an extra 8-10 inches of room now.

As intiguing as having an 8-10 inch testicle would be, Ultimately, I’m not sure I see much of a benefit to having an 8-10 inch gonad at all. Sure the novelty would be interesting for a while, but it seems like it would just become anoying very quickly, So I have decided not to pursue the opportunity.

I received an interesting spam last week from a chap looking for an interdimensional warp drive. He informed me he was from the future, and needed circuit diagrams for the warp drive, or failing that, a Braun writs-mounted warp generator (did I “have one of those lying around?”) so that he could return to his own, unspecified, time.

The mail was ultimately a mailing list creator (“please don’t respond to this address, it will bounce. Reply to me at …@…, so that I can correspond with you”) where you respond and the spammers can collect a list of -active- addresses instead of a list of random, but possibly dead, email addresses. I’m guessing this is a more valuable commodity in the shady world of email address list sales (?). Nonetheless it was very amusing and highly inventive.

The only thing that told me it was spam and not a joke from one of my friends was the “xsfghocbu” thing after the subject heading. Don’t the spammers realise a string of idiot characters is the biggest clue to spam? Or am I missing something in the translation?


Not amusing spam, but an amusing website:

Here is an article about Robby Todino, the 22-year-old Massachusetts resident dubbed the “Time-Travel Spammer”.

Geez! That’s just sad! I’ve often wondered what sort of life these spammers must lead!

I think one of the most amusing, revenge-laiden stories was the spammer in NZ whose identity was discovered and made public. Many of his spam-victims reverse-spammed him (is that a word?) with email, phone calls and all sorts of abuse.

I feel a little sorry for the guy cos he has young kids and he became worriedc for their safety after several threats of violence, but he doesn’t seem to have considered his actions at any point, nor what sort of hotwater it could put him in.

I’m sorry, I don’t have a cite for that story right now, I may have read it here on the SMDB.

Here is an article about the man, who says he has gotten out of the spamming game.

Just a few seconds ago, I got this:

The Antidote
Kills all known deadly viruses and bacteria in the body

This will cure any common cold / flu.
Extremely helps maligant diseases cancer, hiv, sars, etc…
A disease must be made DORMANT to stop infection and this new product will make it do so!



ALL major drug companies are trying to get the rights to sell this.
WE ARE THE FIRST to extract this wonderfull new product, and only us.

NO MORE once in a lifetime offers

Here’s the website it points to:

The original link had a “refferer” in the addy, meaning that it was probably rewarding someone for getting me to click on the link in their spam.

I like the PEP spam messages that are along the lines of …


Uhhh … I thought the whole idea of enlarging your unit was to attract more women. Guess not.
elmwood (only two more inches to go!)

I don’t get it. Who wants to get an 18" horse cock in the mail.


<< I feel a little sorry for the guy cos he has young kids and he became worriedc for their safety after several threats of violence, but he doesn’t seem to have considered his actions at any point, nor what sort of hotwater it could put him in. >>

I feel sorry for those kids, having a father who pays no attention to the consequences of his actions.

PS - There’s a very fine line here, but let’s not be providing links to the sites that spam-mail is asking your to click to. One of those links was to an amusing picture, which I guess is OK, but the other is to an order-by-email site that makes me uneasy (hence, was deleted.)

I may be over-reacting, but I don’t like the idea of clicking on links provided in spam mail, and thus I don’t like the idea of providing those links on the Boards. Fair enough?

Can I have that thing mounted on my hat? I could use it to scare off solicitors.

What, in the name of Cecil, are you doing reading spam?

Have you really got nothing better to do???

I get “FREE DEGREE CERTIFICATE NOW!! NO EXAMS!!!” spam to my Cambridge Univerity email account. It seems kind of redundant.

I may be over-reacting, but I don’t like the idea of clicking on links provided in spam mail, and thus I don’t like the idea of providing those links on the Boards. Fair enough?

No, it’s TOO fair! :slight_smile:

Just a note of record: I did remove the “refferer” thing that was being used to pay off the spammer. My reason for including the link was because I thought it was a bunch of amazingly ridiculous nonsense that deserved ridicule, not because I thought anyone was going to buy the magical mystery cure for AIDS, cancer, and every other disease all at once. :slight_smile:

I’ve now gotten the same spam 2 or 3 times, and it is so ludicrous that I am tempted to click on the site. I’m dumb enough to read the spam, but not dumb enough to click on the site. I suppose that is the point – anything to get you to go to the website, who cares about living up to the expectations in the spam. It did have me laughing though, at its sheer audacity.

Anyway, it says something like go to our web site where you will find the best products:

  1. Heroin, crystal and liquid form.
  2. Cocaine, pure Colombian. Order 9 grams, get the 10th for free.
  3. Tomohawk missiles (serious inquiries only)
  4. Air-to-Air missiles (available only in batches of 10)
  5. Gay sex slaves. Exclusive service!
  6. The best child porn on the net.
  7. Fake currency.

This week’s special, order 30 grams heroin and get 5 grams free. Free 2 CD child porn with every purchase.

I mean really. Either it is a sting done in the most moronic way possible, or a spammer just looking for hits. I especially like the retail flourishes (Exclusive service, buy 30g get 5g free!, batches of ten, serious inquiries only!) Anybody else seen this one?

I really hate the “banned cd” guy, because his email starts off by claiming that he’s some rebel who’s still selling his cd in the face of people who say he is contributing to the moral decay of society.

Maybe I’m missing something by just skimming the message titles? :slight_smile:

Funniest thing I got was an “increase your penis size” message AND an “increase your breast size” message, right next to each other, from the SAME SENDER.

I once had a korean company try to sell me stainless steel sushi manufacturing machines.

I’ve also been targetted for bulk grain advertisements. Keep in mind that my company is most certainly not involved in food manufacturing…

It’s not for real. It’s apparently a disgruntled ex-member of a message board’s attempt at revenge.