Ancient American candy "Chewy Fruit": What was it?

Here is a cover of singer Dave Mason’s New Crest on an Old Wave. It never occurred to me that the artwork was a part of pop culture before appearing on Mason’s album, but. . .

A few weeks ago in one of the many well known restaurant chains with various artifacts and relics of Americana adorning the walls, I look up and see this painting. However, it’s not touting Mason’s album, but a candy called “Chewy Fruit.” The wording said, “I’m ready to fight for my Chew Fruit chocolate.” Then there was something about “Allen Confections,” which could have been a local manufacturer.

Anyone familiar with these confectionary morsels?

I remember eating a candy as a young child called “chewy fruit” but it wasn’t chocolate flavored. They were little squares of wax paper wrapped soft taffy. (Not toffee, AFAIK, those are 2 different things.) They weren’t as soft as “laffy taffy” nor as hard as “Now 'n Later”, soft, but not fluffy. Very fruity, slightly tangy, and not too sweet. I did try searching for it, but I couldn’t find the candy I remembered. I don’t know if they had fruit flavored taffys mixed with chocolate flavoring or not. That was one of my favorite candies as a kid. I think also there were little sugared jelly fruit slices sold as “chewy fruit” as well. Those were softer than a gumdrop, but looked similar. Am I remembering correctly?

Ok, I am mistaken on toffee and taffy being different, it seems they are they same thing. A confection made by pulling a sugary mass to make it fluffy.

And of course I open another page that refutes the dictionary. In the interest of accuracy here are the links. Explanations of taffy and toffee.

dictionary definition