That’s enough of that song, because as it turns out, it’s a hard parody. At least for me. Maybe someone else could do something with it.
But it’s Snickers’ birthday! Yay! Merry Natality!
That’s all I got.
That’s enough of that song, because as it turns out, it’s a hard parody. At least for me. Maybe someone else could do something with it.
But it’s Snickers’ birthday! Yay! Merry Natality!
That’s all I got.
Yowzers. What are you now, 36? 37?
Happy birthday, nice lady.
Aw, gee, thanks {{Rue}} and {{Ex}} - today’s the big 5-0, believe it or not.
Half a century! Who’d’a thunk it??
<Walking in and clearing throat> <ahem>
not to mention six months and six days older than me.
-swampbear (like I was gonna pass that one up! HAH!)
I knew I respected you for a reason – it’s because you’re, um, 49 weeks older than I am.
Half a century! Wow! Hope the next half century is twice as much fun.
Happy birthday, FCM!
Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day, FairyChatMom.
Happy Birthday, FCM! You’re STILL not old enough to be my mom! Well. Biologically, but not emotionally and that’s really what matters.
We can’t wait for you to be an MAD. You an’ Anita are gentle mom-like creatures that AREN’T OLD ENOUGH TO BE MY MOM (let me just stress that) but are comforting and warm and nice nonetheless.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FCM !!! So how will you be celebrating this momentous occasion?
Happy Birthday FairyChatMom!
The local fire department will be on standby in case you decide to put all the candles on your cake.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank FCM for being the first (and as it happens only) person to welcome me to the boards.
And welcome to Southern Maryland, aka The Land of Pleasant Living.
I am overwhelmed! Thanks, all!
swampy, you know you’re going to hell for all these cheap shots, don’t you? Or at the least, if we ever meet again, I’ll make your life hell!
twickster, respect? Sorry, that’s a foreign concept. I’m much to accustomed to abuse. See swampy’s comments.
Thanks, Ice Wolf! As a matter of fact, there’s a telephone that I bought and have to return.
Ginger, if it matters, I didn’t feel the least bit maternal towards you when we lunched. You’ll notice I didn’t try to cut your meat or chide you about using a napkin.
earthpuppy, alas, there will be no celebration. With my husband in Maryland and my daughter going out with her friends, I’ll spend the evening alone with my dog. Don’t fret, tho - she’s a nice dog.
dbygawdcapn, no cake - I’m low-carbing. I may treat myself to a sugar-free fudgesicle, tho! Do I know how to whoop it up or what?? Incidentally, I’m eager to drive by the place that you sent me the print of - maybe when I’m up there next month…
Even though you’re 50 you’re still the MILF.
Zebra, oh my!! :o
you sweet talker, you!
I’d settle for a long hug.
Happy Birthday wonderful person.
Careful, I think lieu’s playing the statue game.
Happy Birthday FairyChatMom! I’ve been a huge fan ever since I laid eyes on you! (And by “eyes” I mean “hands”, and by “you” I of course mean “the stuffed cow you sent on the Dope-To-Your-Door Dopefest”.)
Wow. 50! Well done!
Gosh, thanks, {{{{{{{{{{{{lieu}}}}}}}}}}}}!
Long enuff for ya??
Munch, that wasn’t a cow, it was a moose! Sheesh, you can’t tell the difference?!?
Thanks anyway!
Many happy returns, quoth Pooh!
I hope you have a most wonderful day, FairyChatMom.
Thanks, mlerose, so far, it really is a nice day!
happy happy happy happy birthday birthday
happy happy happy happy birthday birthday
happy happy happy birthday
happy birthday to you!
What’s a girl gotta do to get a visit from the illustrious FairyChatMoose?
You sure about that? I’m just a spry 28 years old. Your memory is the second thing to go as you age…