I just found out yesterday that I will be promoted to Senior Airman next week. Friday, actually.
You guys had better start lifting weights now. You’d better not hit like a bitch when you tack my stripes on.
[sub]I’m a masochist, I know.[/sub]
And I reiterate:
-A1C, soon to be SrA Dave Cartwright
One more time, just in case you missed it:
June 15, 2002, 12:31am
'Grats, Dave! Quite a year, eh?
Congrats! Nice way to move up in the world! And I’m sure the extra jingle won’t hurt much.
'Grats. And here I am retiring in January!
Congrats to ya! Nothing like being a little ranker…
Actually, FCM , I believe he’s a bit more flightier.
Whooo HOOOOOOO! Airman !
Many, many grats!
Buy yourself a beer… on me! (hehehe)
I knew you’d do well!
Shame you didn’t choose my service, but still…
And once again, you’ve made me the proudest Air Force wife around.
Bravo, young man! Bravo!
Keep up the good work. Soon you’ll be showing 'em what it’s really all about!
Congrats, Dave! This means you’ll have even more things to show off the next time I see you??
Woo Hoo! BTZ babeee! You are one awesome airman, Dave !
Big whoop. You got promoted. Let’s see you make a baby;)
Oh, and that whole “congrats!” thing too, just so’s I don’t spoil the party:)
[sub]Totally, completely joking. I do NOT want to see Dave make a baby:D[/sub]
June 16, 2002, 2:56am
Good on ya, “A1C, soon to be SrA” Doors.
Someday, when you’re C of S, we’ll all say we knew him when…
Congrats, Dave! That’s wonderful news.
Yeah, right. The day I get C of S is the day the world ends. I’m not gonna be an officer barring a minor miracle.
However, I could be Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force. Yeah. Right.
Now all I need is for Simetra to show up so I can taunt him and things will be all good.
Congratulations sweetie!
Kinda scary to think they’d put such a punk in charge…
Congratulations, Airman !!
Oh, and those are wonderful wedding pictures. I hadn’t seen them before, and you two make a lovely couple.