And the Republicans Show That They Are Not Serious About Governement

Borrowed from TV… “Our govt should be a tug of war, with the rope being pulled back and forth over the middle. Today we have one side pulling at the rope, and the other side doing everything they can to unravel it.” That was probably said a year ago.

I see our sole “defender” up to this point basically acknowledges and encourages this behavior. So his position isn’t “No! Rs ARE serious about govt!” It is “Those mean old Ds deserve it! Whaaa! the minority lost, so we must break shit!” Fucking hilarious. I do agree with him that roughly half the country is that far gone though.

The Franken amendment example is weak. It was related to the case.

Jesus, this is a disingenuous load of crap. There was nothing “political” about that. It was an attempt to combat a particularly sleazy corporate practice that prevented a rape victim from being able to sue or prosecute her rapists. This also doesn’t have the slightest fucking thing to do with this thread and is not a defense of your punk-ass, racist, rape-defending party or of its abdication of professional responsibility.

What a bunch of evasive fucking drivel. Please explain why this particular tactic needs to be exercised. How does it serve the country? Have you even read the OP? Do you have any idea what you’re even being asked to defend?


By the way, what “bipartsian solutions” did the Repiublicans ever offer? Obama bent over backwards trying to get those tools to come to the table, but they’d decided on their strategy to stonewall HRC even before Obama even took office. They’re too terrified of Fox News to blow their own noses without Glenn Beck’s permission.


Listen missy, if you can think of a graver threat to the US than allowing people in love to get married, I’d like to hear it…


Let’s not bring THAT crazy bitch into this.

Too late! I think she’s learned what Standing is, though.

Your link is a tad vague about providing evidence for that assertion. Could you give me a quote?

I had no idea my socialized nazi government health plan included dental. Yay!

I’ve heard Socialist Nazi dentistry is extremely good. I guess we can only wait and find out!

Seeing as how the healthcare bill is quite similar to Romney’s Massachusetts reform, which was heavily based on reform ideas promulgated by the Heritage Foundation when Clinton was looking to reform, I’m not sure why the Republicans are freaking out so much. This will pretty much kill Romney’s chances of getting the nomination in 2012.

Basically it’s just that she’s learned enough to try to complain that she is personally being injured by the bill. Her reasoning is utterly batshit, though:

This is like Timecube shit. I hope she can drill teeth better than she can spell. Can you imagine seeing that jack-in-the-box head leering down at you while you’re under the gas?

What part of the new legislation empowers “burocrats” [sic] to deny dental care to the elderly? I’m surprised that didn’t get more attention.

The big difference here, though, is that Senator Franken actually accomplished something with his use of our taxpayer dollars in the House. The difference is that his cause was just and right prevailed.

Here’s a fun exercise–go read this absolutely excellent article*, and click on some links, then come back and tell us if mebbe those of us who’re :dubious: about the whirling shitfits the Republicans are throwing are perhaps correct in our judgement that it’s just a tad beyond the pale. Alternately, come back and tell us how it’s all a buncha bullshit and just another example of lib’rul media bias.
*best BS rebuttal reference I’ve found in months, no shit. Should’ve titled it CITE, MOTHERFUCKER! :smiley:

Yes, but iss it zafe?

Ask Dustin Hoffman.

I didn’t say she was applying it correctly, but she is claiming that it will affect her work as a dentist.

Now she gets to learn about unripeness!

Well. Now that the Republicans have Orly “Kenyan Usurper” Taitz in their corner, what could possibly go sour for them?

Maybe the theory is that once the death panels kill off the old folks, Orly won’t be able to provide them with dental care.