Andromeda question

I was sorting through tapes today and found The Prince.
How do they get those big ol’ robots from Andromeda to the surface of a planet?

While I have yet to see it done I think they wither use a dropship (of which Andromeda has many. Her crew compliment consisted of something like 1,000 ground troops and vehicles) or they have launch capsules for a speedy entry into a planet. I don’t know why they don’t use Andromeda’s TOE in the series, but my guess is that they wrote her wos powerful that they have to be careful about demonstrating great power in a mundance scenario.

What’s a TOE?
I quit watching when Wolfe and Rev left.
Maybe I’ll start again.

table of organization and equipment

I miss Rev too. Still Tyr seems to be the father of the messiah so there is a plot thread there that may be interesting.

How much have I missed since Rev left and Trance (Chance?) changed?
Just the itle “Lava Rockets” made me ill.

well there have been some clues as to the fate of the Vedran’s and one even made an appearance to inform Dylan that they were aware of his acions and proud of him.

There are a whole bunch more ships now, but you never see them. Dulan rescued a bunch of fleet ships with functional AI’s and they all signed on to the restored commonwealth.

Dylan came out of the closet to Tyr.

A bunch more like the discovery of a planet colonized by High Guard (did you see that episode?).

I found that tape last night.

Say what?


Dylan came out of the closet to Tyr.

Let me just double the “SAY WHAT?”

If i remember Dylan was pining for his lost wife.

hehe, I was joking on that one. Just wanted to see if I could depth charge any lurkers. :wink: