Anna Nicole Show On E

Bobby Trendy is the single greatest person to ever appear on television.

Ah youth! Think Jar Jar Binks Guinastasia.

I must agree. Watching him is like reaching the edge of the known universe. You can go no further and yet when you have reached the end, there you are back at the beginning.

Wait…is that the one where the guy took her to the rodeo, and she ditched him so she could hang out with some of the cowboys? What a snatch. Ya dance with the guy who brung ya!

Easy on Bobby Trendy. He represents himself, that’s it. Heck, he SHOULD be the way he is if he wants, so its actually ironic that those who wish to be accepted for who they are are wishing someone else would conform to something they want! Easy does it!

There are some whacked out heterosexuals and there are whacked out homosexuals.

The crux of the problem is that the world is still full of enough idiots that think one person represents the masses somehow.

I can think of way too many heterosexuals that give us heterosexuals a bad name/image.

And, DAMN if I don’t stop and watch a few moments of that show when it’s on.

The only thing I have a problem with is Bobby Trendy’s lip gloss. That color is so wrong for him.

Is Bobby even gay? I always thought he adopted that whole over-the-top queen act just to sell his god-awful furniture to people with too much money and too little taste.

And they become whacked x10 when the camera is rolling.

damn pop ups getting to me.

Heterosexuals don’t stereotype themselves be cause they know that heterosexuals behave in many different ways and they themselves don’t behave like the clown on the screen.

Most heterosexuals know few, if any, openly gay people (hush, I know the Dopers are hip–I’m talking about all the other heterosexuals), so when they see a flaming, shallow, self-centred queen like Bobby Trendy, they are likely to think that ALL gay people behave like him.

I wouldn’t mind a few negative images if they were balanced with positive images, but that sadly isn’t the case.

Well how do you feel about the TV show “Will and Grace”. There’s at least as much stereotypical “flaming” behavior from Jack as Bobby Trendy any day of the week. Isn’t Jack an uber queeny stereotype?

Yeah, but Bobby Trendy is just an ASSHOLE.

Oh, and he has godawful taste! YUCK!!!

I wouldn’t hire him to design a shitbox for my cat!

But Guin—the shitbox would be luxxxxuriousssss!

I suppose, then, that I shouldn’t mention that I like this Bobby Trendy Chair?

No, Homebrew, you shouldn’t.
[sub]Do I have to insert a smiley after that statement? I really don’t want to…[/sub]

Shouldn’t that be red?

You mean this one? :stuck_out_tongue:

Absolutely. I don’t watch that show because it has deeply unpleasant characters. Jack is a stereotyped flamer and neither nor Will are allowed to have a real relationship.

And don’t get me started on Queer As Folk.

Plus, Bobby Trendy’s furniture is tacky and hideous. It’s perfect for Anna Nichole Smith–white trash with money.

Dear god in heaven. It looks like someone dropped a Cinnabon in a Slurpee.

Good god-what a waste of perfectly good fabric! And what is UP with those pink satin Barbie beds?

Bobby Trendy SUCKS!!!
Oh, and someday, I will have a house and I will decorate it in the Art Nouveau style of the pre-WWI era. And it will be so fucking stylin’!