Another forum you may want to visit.

(Spam post deleted.)

Entertainment guaranteed.

A funny thing happened on the way there.

The ghost of a skeleton of a thread.
Nothing like a tantalizing skin on the side of the road.
Was it a snake?
Was it a tire?
Was it Superthread?

Alas, these and other mysteries fade into the mists of history as we are left but to ponder and speculate.

What hath been wrought?

Nice shooting, Ike.

Nice work, Ike. :wink:

Umm, I see this spam thread has been hijacked, but I don’t know where it’s going.
I see this spam has been hijacked.
I see Spam, Jack?

** HI, JACK!!!**

Ah, now I get it.

These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.

Spam spam spam spam
spam spam spam spam

Lovely Spam Wonderful Spam!

These aren’t the droids we’re looking for.

I’ll take “Words Not To Yell On An Airplane” for $500, please, Alex.

Shame. It had lovely plumage.

…and then they made me their chief.

‘At’s from PotC:CotBP, in case I need to be citin’ stuff

which was nice.


What’s with this thread?

Lemon curry?

Chicken pie.

Well, it needed to be said.

A sort of sedimentary block of shredded ham and pork shoulder. Fat content isn’t as high as some would have you believe, though. And it’s GREAT if you slice it fine, and fry it up crunchy…