Another fucking school shooting

Northern Illinois University .

I got a call on my cellphone from the Daughter at about 3:30, she’s in tears telling me someone got shot on her campus, at the building she had just walked out of 5 minutes earlier.

She’s safe, on her way home now, and already calmer.

What the fuck gets into someone’s head that this seems like a solution to their problems?

Oh, I don’t know, but I do know it has absolutely nothing to do with guns. I’ve been told this repeatedly and forcefully by the NRA and various “gun advocates”, here and elsewhere. Me, I think an emotionally disturbed person+ easily available gun=tragedy waiting to happen, but it’s not so. Nope, not the accessibility of guns. Funny how we can usually pry the gun from the perp’s cold, dead hands. Sadly, there are usually more dead hands than just his (or hers).

I suspect many of the people who think it’s nothing to do with guns secretly know they are wrong, but are scared of losing their lovely fun guns.

How 'bout those gun-free school zones? You see, all you have to do is post the signs, and Shazam! Instant obedience!

Or not. :rolleyes:

Thanks for turning this into a anti-gun debate. We just don’t have those often enough, you know.

You mean like Posts #2 and 3 tried to?

Besides, I don’t want it to turn into a gun control debate. I’m simply making my feelings on the matter known, just as you are. Sorry you don’t agree with me.

EDIT: …or did I misunderstand what you meant before you edited your post?

I AGREE with you. My post was in reference to posts 2 and 3. It timed out or something and it appeared after your post did.

Figures. My apologies. Carry on.

Surely it was destined to be in some small way probably may have quite possibly almost have maybe been possibly about guns in some way.

Mr. Bus Guy, I’m so glad your daughter is OK.

Why? Whenever someone gets hit by a car, it isn’t destined to turn into an “anti-car” debate.

Incidentally, I agree with this sentiment wholeheartedly. As before, my apologies for not saying that initially.

I don’t believe I’ve ever had a car deliberately pointed at me with the intention to kill. (At least, I don’t think so, it’s hard to tell sometimes.)

Cars are also relatively difficult to stick under your coat and sneak into a crowded building.

Because cars aren’t designed to kill people, they just happen to be good at it?

It’s really easy to sneak a lighter and a bottle of kerosene under your coat and use it to burn down a building. Should we outlaw kerosene and lighters because there are a few arsonists out there?

I’m glad the OP’s daughter is ok as well.

It has nothing to do with guns…it has to do with a small percentage of the population being complete nutballs. The guns just make sure their psycho behavior makes headlines.

As far as the cars vs guns debate, you are much more likely to be killed in the former than by the latter. But people are really horrible at risk analysis so…

Carry on.


This is a weird argument to me.

It’s really easy to sneak a suitcase nuclear bomb into a city and use it to kill millions. Should we outlaw nuclear bombs because there are a few terrorists out there?

It’s not a solution. It’s just the shooter’s way of making other people feel as bad as he does. That’s my theory, at least.

Yahoo News said this was the fourth school shooting this week. Man, what a wonderful society we’ve become. :frowning:

Well, theoretically you could kill someone with your pencil or your backpack, but it just doesn’t have that macho attraction for these people that guns do. In addition to their efficiency, they have a whole culture surrounding them that kerosene just can’t top.

It’s called a slippery slope. How about this one…you are much more likely to be killed by alcohol on a college campus than by a nutball with a gun (by at least an order of magnitude). Should we outlaw booze? By the same token, you are more likely to be killed by drugs on a college campus than guns, should we…

Oh, wait…drugs ARE illegal. Hm…