Another one for ChiefScott.

Hey there Chiefie, suprise! No smilies!

I bet you thought that there would be another assload of em.
Well I was just thinking, a while back you bet me two dollars that I would not be able to use correct capitization for 2 weeks, well, its been about 6 months.

I dont know why, but I just started taking the time to mae sure everything was capitalized correctly. Looks like you owe me 2 bucks. But in the light of the fact that now I am a more productive poster,and a better typist, forget about it.
Just a thank you from that young man that had the audacity to giggle at you whilst peeing on your shoes.

In lieu of a grammar flame (which I would only do because he comments on his improved typing skills) I will only point at the OP and giggle.

If I recall correctly, I believe I challenged you to two weeks of capitalization, punctuation and spelling.

I’ll let your post stand as testiment to my closed wallet.

nahh im pretty sure that it was just capitilization

KIDDING, sheesh, puncutation was also possibly there too, in fact I belive you even asked for my address to send me the two bucks but I said that it was not that big a deal, but its late and I am too tired to search for the thread.

I guess spelling is next, followed by grammar, and then its on to bigger and better things, like Smilie Art.

Oh and obfusciatrist, bite me.

Is it just me, or is betting on the SDMB just pointless? Let’s review:

Phaedrus . . . 'nuff said.

Bets on what name CD Milk would use next . . .

Bets on when a thread gets closed/moved . . .

Bets on when JDT would get banned . . .

The current bet, which I doubt fnord’s gonna win.

And now I am going to attempt to correct fnord’s post:

Bolding is where, I hold, fnord erred. Things in parentheses are, I hold, unnecessary or being corrected by the bolded text that follows them. Things in brackets are my comments.

"Hey there**,[sup]1[/sup] Chieff**[sup]2[/sup]ie, sur[sup]3[/sup]prise! No smilies!

"I bet you thought that there would be another assload of '[sup]4[/sup]em. [No space needed after period][sup]5[/sup]
Well**,[sup]6[/sup] I was just thinking(,)[sup]7[/sup]a while back you bet me two dollars that I would not be able to use correct (capitization)capitalization[sup]8[/sup] for (2)two[sup]9[/sup] weeks(,).[sup]10[/sup] [Space needed for new sentence] (w)W[sup]11[/sup]ell, it’**[sup]12[/sup]s been about (6)six[sup]13[/sup] months.

"I don**’[sup]14[/sup]t know why, but I just started taking the time to mak**[sup]15[/sup]e sure everything was capitalized correctly. Looks like you owe me (2)two[sup]16[/sup] bucks. But in (the)[sup]17[/sup] light of the fact that (now)[sup]18[/sup] I am now a more productive poster,[space needed after comma][sup]19[/sup] and a better typist, forget about it. [no space needed after period][sup]20[/sup]

[One line in-between paragraphs][sup]21[/sup]
“Just a thank[no space needed]-[sup]22[/sup]you from that young man (that)who[sup]23[/sup] had the audacity to giggle at you whilst peeing on your shoes.”

I count 23 errors. I was going to get really picky, but I have to wake up today at some point. That means I have to go to sleep.

Sigh . . .

That post title was supposed to read, “It’s Anally-retentive man! Or, I hereby invoke Gaudere’s Rule!”.

Closed at the request of the OP.