How is one supposed to eat a pomagranit?
Suck the juice out of the fruit,and spit out those hard little whatchamacallits?
Or chew the fruit, swallowing the pits and all?
I have always had a problem with that, too. If you try to take the seeds out first, you get juice all over you and it is darn near indelible. I don’t know of anyone who ever got sick by eating the seeds, but my personal choice is to spit them.
Damn, I hate that indelible juice. You keep trying to erase it and it never goes away!
I dunno. I think “indelible” and “poma-granit” are a match. (Poma-granit e would have been better though.)
I love typos when they turn out to be sort of appropriate. Like malapropisms. Or Freudian slips.
Thanks for the chuckle, and NO, I would never be guilty of such a thing myself. (Ha!)
I always just ate it seeds and all, a habit I assume that I picked up from my mother, until I took a pomagranite to school for lunch. i shared it with my friends and they all went to great lengths to spit out the hard parts.
So, I guess either way will work.
Slice in half, juice them, drink the juice.