Alright guys I need your help with this one.
While I was driving home last time I had my Pandora on my phone and it played a rock song that I really liked and tried as I might to remember the artist and song I really can’t remember it. So here is my best to describe it.
It was a hard rock song. The channel I was on was the “In this moment” station that I created so there are a lot of hard rock/metal bands, and a lot of them have females singing, as does this song. It had both a male and a female singing and the main stanza would have them alternating lyrics and the beginning was this (or very close to this)
Female: Run and hide
Male: Who will you run to?
and then they go back and forth two more times with her finally ending with (I think) the words “you decide”.
This is really all I have with it. Bands that it might be or like it would be Lacuna coil or Flyleaf or something like that.
Thanks for any help