Answers Only Thread

Over there, I think.

I saw that, but it was years ago. Robert Redford, right?

It happened on May 3, 1962.

I left it on the shelf in the hall closet. It still might be there.

I was there years ago, and I see no reason to return.

Not since I retired.


I wish I had a polite answer to that.

No, it was 1876, actually.

Yah, but my eyes are up here.

No, sir. No problem at all.

I’ve told you a thousand times… No!

That gives us just… an hour, yeesh.

We know he had access because the security tape clearly shows him entering the door at 7:25

I keep my hair like this because that’s how my ex likes it.

I haven’t seen him since 1963, and I still regret not getting to know him better.

Yeah, I will be. I won’t like it, but….

It was nice to see you again. I hope to see you again soon.

Didn’t need to. It rained today, so the lawn got plenty wet.

I’ve gotta stop at the store and get a few potatoes. We’ve got the rest.