Any Eagle scout dopers?

I have just finished my project, now I’m preparing the report.
Any suggestions? What did you feel was really important to stress on in your report? What shouldn’t I ramble on too much about?



I would focus on what you planned to do, how it actually happened, and what you would have changed knowing what you know now.

Present it as a learning experience, and show what you learned.

At least, that’s what I did. . . :smiley:

Eagle Scout - 1995

Yup. Eagle Scout 1987.

And I second what Tripler said. That’s probably the best way to go about it.

One more thing, mentioning the labor management is probably a good thing to do- shows leadership and all that.

Congrats to you clayton_e. My son is an Eagle Scout. It’s a helluva lot of work but well worth it in the end.

Good luck on your report and let us know when it’s official!

Class of 1998 here. I was actually surfing some scouting websites, and there were some that seemed pretty good in terms of advice on Eaqgle requirements and such. The one I remember is, I believe,, and searching on Google for something like “Boy Scouts of America” should give you some more.

If I remember from my write up, I stressed the number of people I was leading and how I did that and I stressed the scope of my project. I stressed how much I actually accomplished, and I explained why my project was so beneficial.

Plus everything tripler and bump said – they’re smart, and I’m half asleep.

Best of luck, clayton, and let us know how it goes.

My link won’t work because I put a comma after the address, but here’s the correct link anyway:

Eagle - 1976.
Show your leadership role, what you learned, and how you may have been able to improve the project.

Eagle of 1999 here.

Another recommendation of Tripler’s advice - tell what you planned, what actually happened, what didn’t go according to plan and why. Point out the impact your project had on the area. If in doubt, understate.


I’m not an Eagle Scout, but my brother is! He’s doing the ceremoney in November!
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: <---------Proud Big Sister Beam

Another member of the 2% gang here.

Eagle Scout circa 1971. For the life of me, I can’t remember a thing about my report.

This is what you have to look forward to in 31 years.

Proud Eagle Scout since 1994. My report was the coup de grace of the entire project. I bought a binder and sheet protectors, then proceeded to include an introduction, statement of purpose, the official log of hours that I placed into the project, a journal on the project itself, a ton of photographs, my letters of recommendation, and a closing summary.

My project was to renovate a part of a local park and make it a usable picnic area.

My advice? Pictures. Lots of them. Also, include anything and everything you find relevant. The review board loves a professional look on the report as well. I got the most compliments for the actual presentation of the report, more so than even for the project itself.

Mine was long ago (maybe 84 or so) but from what I remember the pictures were the best part. My goal was to distribute 500 of the ‘Vial of Life’ containers to houses in the area. I arranged for a local hostpital to donate the 500 them an had an adult lined up to help me go and get them from the hospital (I was basically working on getting Eagle the first day I was eligible due to time requirements so I wasn’t able to drive yet IIRC). Any idea how big of container it takes to hold 500 of them and the little info kits? The best photo was of the station wagon driving down a highway with something a little larger than an refrigerator box on the roof. Just make it look nice with a decent write up, when I submitted mine the big thing they asked about was your “leadership experience” and how you “managed the project”. I don’t know if that is such a big deal these days but it may be worth a paragraph or so. Do yourself a favor and save your project and documentation, it is pretty cool to look at when you are older.

Once a scout always a scout. I am the webmaster of

1986 here. I suggest including a protest re: the BSA’s exclusionary policies, but that’s just me. In the meantime, congratulations!

2001 here! Congrats… I think that if you show what you learned, and incorporate that into the whole process, planning, execution etc, that you will do quite well.

Eagle Scout 1986 here.

If I were doing it now, I would do it all on the computer with digital photos, all layed out so that everything flows.

Put in as many pictures as you can of before, during and after the project. The Eagle Board of Review absolutely loves pictures.

Congrats! You are one of the few.

1968 here, I went to Nam right after.

Another member of the class of 1986, with three palms.

I can only repeat: use lots of pictures. Oh, and write up a very detailed methodology. I know it’s not a scientific report, but my Board of Review appreciated the fact that I kept track of everything in a detailed log, and presented it to them in a report. As I recall, I organized mine very much as you would a journal article: Problem, Goal, Methodology (everything from phone logs to materials contribution to who brought the shortbread cookies and Kool-Aid), Results (lots of before and after pics), and Conclusion.

I took an empty, grassy lot belonging to the city, and converted it into a picnic area and softball/baseball field. Wonderful experience.

That I’m an Eagle Scout is something I’m still proud to say, and put on a resume. I despise BSA’s exclusionary policies, but to have conceived, planned, and executed my Service Project, having had no experience in anything of the kind, is something I will be proud of forever.

Congratulations, clayton_e. Welcome to the ranks of those who stuck it out.

(Anybody remember what the Cuban general in “Red Dawn” said of Patrick Swayze’s character? “Member of an elite paramilitary organization…Eagle Scout.” :slight_smile: OK, so it’s BS, but I still always got a kick out of it.)

Eagle Scout 1961 here. It’s changed a bit since I was in (I actually got a merit badge in telegraphy), but you are still among the select. I salute you.


1976 here. Congratulations! I have nothing more to offer, except I’d throw in some testimonials from people who your project benefited, so it will be obvious that it’s not just you tooting your own horn, but others agree that your work was worthwhile.