Any entertaining political pranks in your district?

Here in Las Cruces, somebody put up a fake campaign sign for a nonexistent candidate, “Richard Cox”.

Just out of curiosity, where on Missouri?

I don’t know how entertaining this really is, but if your name is “Ocksrider” and you’ve got some big, fancy campaign signs, why on earth would you put them up near middle schools?

(I don’t have any pictures, but I’ll see if they’ve replaced the sign near my school again. If they haven’t yet, I can get one.)

“Socksrider”? :confused: :stuck_out_tongue:

It says “the corner of Missouri Avenue and Don Roser Drive”. That would be that big vacant lot just east of where it crosses under Interstate 25. Unfortunately, they already took down the sign.

My daughter flew to Atlanta to visit a friend and saw several billboards that said if you vote you would get a gun, either a rifle or handgun. It was more scary than entertaining but this is the US so I suppose it is perfectly legal. :eek:

There’s a sign near us that says,

I keep alternating between seeing this as ironic humor, or just daft craziness.