Any Latvian Dopers?

You see, I’m kind of hoping to have an Eastern European Doper’s meeting. Anyone interested? I’m thinking of making it the 2nd of July (that’s the 6th for anyone on the Gregorian calendar).

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

Well, being a Constantinople native, I don’t get to meet many Dopers. Do ya think we can have a Red Sea Bash?

I’m SURE you mean Istanbul, because

Istanbul was Constantinople
now it’s Istanbul, not Constantinople
been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That’s nobody’s business but the Turks.

Every gal in Constantinople
lives in Istanbul, not Constantiople
so if you’ve got a date in Constantinople
she’ll be waiting in Istanbul

Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
WHy they changed it, I can’t say.
People just liket it better that way!


[violin rips it up]

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

Actually I did mean Istanbul. Universe Man told me. And you know what they say about him:

Universe man, Universe man
Size of the entire universe man
Usually kind to smaller man
Universe man

He’s got a watch with a minute hand,
Millenium hand and an eon hand
When they meet it’s a happy land
Powerful man, universe man

I like particle man

Is he a dot, or is he a speck?
When he’s underwater does he get wet?
Or does the water get him instead?

Nobody knows. Particle man.

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

Wladiwostock here. Sure, I’ll just hop on the train. Is it gonna be a BYOB, or are we raiding a wodka distillery?

(Welcome to Guyov Stuffski, part I)

Voted Poster Most Likely To Post Drunk

"You know how complex women are"

  • Neil Peart, Rush (1993)

Umm, yeah, I’m Latvian. And this is really creeping me out.

Ja tu vari so lasit, tad suti man e pastu tulit. Paldies.

And I think there’s a huge Latvian party that weekend in New Jersey.

Hmmm… I’m sure Paldies means Putz. Right?

Oh, Jesus. It’s not bad enough that Demo’s posting drunk, but now he’s got a partner.

Heh - I wrote a little secret message in Latvian just in case Surgosan (or anyone else) can read it. I’m starting to feel my worlds collide.

For the record, paldies means thank you. The best word for putz would be mutans, I think.

Well, I’m not REALLY Latvian. I’m Lithuanian.

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

Well, labas dienas to you!

I have a good Latvian friend who attends Cornell - I’ll have to hook you up with her - she’s very cool and very fun. We can talk more about our shared Baltic heritage when you come to NYC in a few weeks! Maybe we can go to the Estonian House on 34th Street for Saku Beer before meeting the other Dopers.

Manny, I’m sorry you’ve had to suffer through all of those jazz and/or saxophone discussions. Now it looks like you’ll have to suffer through ethnic discussions. Please forgive me.

Okay, so I’m a damned liar, I’ve spent the last 6 years in the Carolinas of America. Sheesh. You and all your foreign languages. Pooty on you!

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

::rolling eyes::

Surgo, you are a psycho.
