My uncle, Eliot Shimoff, was a psych professor at UMBC for over thirty years. Unfortunately, he lost his three-year battle with cancer about two weeks ago.
While I knew my uncle on several different levels, I never had him as a teacher (I never lived in Baltimore and was never a psychology student). After hearing some remarks from some of his students and reading the obituary (free registration required) of him in the Baltimore Sun, I realize that he was a rather unique teacher as well. I know it’s a bit of a longshot, but I’m wondering if there are any Dopers who might have been in any of his classes (from what I understand he also taught introductory classes, so even non-psych majors may have taken his courses) and if they can provide me with any recollections of those classes. I’d love to hear about them.
Thanking you in advance,
Zev Steinhardt