Hello all, I hope this is a proper place for a thread such as this. If its not, please put the kabash on it as necessary.
I was reading the tales and adventures of role playing daring-do in This thread and it occurred to me, I really would love to get involved in some gaming again. The downside is I don’t know anyone who plays anymore.
So, with that in mind, anyone run or know of any groups in the Denver area that might like someone new to kick around?
While I’m not from Denver (although I do have a [non-gaming] brother who lives there), a little Googling may help you out.
I found two gaming stores in your area – The Wizard’s Chest on Fillmore St. in Denver, and The Game Store in Southglenn Mall in Littleton. Pop by either one, and if they’re anything like the gaming shops we have locally, there will be a bulletin board filled with contacts for gamers looking to get a campaign going.
Good luck!
Sadly, most of the gaming stores in the Denver area are pretty clique-ish. They seem to be run by comic book guy type people and get largly similar customer, who arn’t very open to new players. Sadly Genghis con is the least fun con I have ever been to, everybody hangs out in groups of friends, and there isn’t much mixing. It really sucks to go there alone in my expereince. Since my freinds have moved I largely gave up on playing.
That said, Attactix way down south in Aurora is the best, and I have met some cool people there. But I live way to far in north denver to look for a group down their anymore, so I’m not sure if they have changed. I also used to play with a group I met through friends at the University of Denver, so if you are in that area it might be worth checking out.