How do I find RPG groups in my area?

I’m a lifelong gamer, and this complete lack of RPGing right now is driving me crazy. I live in Saranac Lake, NY, and have no idea how to find gamre groups in search of someone to play with. There aren’t (as far as I know) any kind of gaming/hobby/etc store in town. If I’m lucky, there might be one in Lake Placid, 15 min. away, but the cloest is probably in Plattsburg, 1 hour away. Even so, not all gaming stores have a classifieds section or bulliten board for groups to post things.

Does anyone know of any online mesageboards that have a classifieds area? or maybe some kund of website that has a large listing of gaming stores I can search? Does anyone want to move to Saranac Lake and game with me? :stuck_out_tongue:

Planet ADnD

You might not find any specific boards that deal with your area, but you may find someone who lives near that can tell you where the nearest hobby/game store is/where the locals go to do this.

Gamers seeking Gamers, over at the EN World forums.

I hear there are also D&D and other role-playing groups over at, but I can’t vouch for how good they are.

Good luck with your search!