Whew! Sorry about the long title. Is there a service available that can help me identify the title and/or author of a book based solely on the plot and/or cover art? I remember reading a sci-fi paperback book about 20 years ago and I’m trying to locate a copy.
Plot: a device called a “time-space separation unit” or “tisser” for short. The device could be programmed to remove any object not only from the physical world, but from the “mental” world as well, meaning that, once the object was “tissed” the memories of said object would be erased as well.
Cover art: over the shoulder view of someone using the device which looks like an over-sized, late-70’s calcualtor with three antennae sticking out of the end.
I know this is a big stretch, but what the heck?
i would say you are using such a service right now.
unfortunately, i don’t have an answer for you.
i’d be suprised if you didn’t get one, though.
what is essential is invisible to the eye -the fox
I sent your query to a SciFi discussion list – maybe they’ll come up with something if the SciFi geeks here come up short. (That’s a compliment, by the way.)
While we’re waiting for your answer, I see that the winner of a fans-critics poll for best Science Fiction novel of 1999 was “A Clash of Kings” by George R. R. Martin. It even beat Cryptonomicon.
Wonderful book, but there is not one whit of “science” in it. Go figger.
One response from the list – Candy suggests a news group: rec.arts.sf
I have no idea how to post to a newsgroup, but I’ll bet you do.
And then I posted it wrong: