Healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat right
No chronic physical/mental problems (or at least they’re being managed)
Satisfied with appearance
No debt (beyond typical mortgage/car/student loan)
Your house has furniture (those people w/big houses & no furniture, you’re not fooling me)
Happily married (most of the time)
You have friends
Satisfied with career & education
Healthy weight, exercise, eat right: Yes, for the most part
No chronic problems: check
Satisfied with appearance: Yes, mostly
No debt: We have debt, but it’s easily manageable.
House has furniture: House has too much junk! But yes, we have a full assortment of furniture.
Happily married: definitely
Friends: enough to make me happy (I’m an introvert so I don’t need too many)
Satisfied with career and education: yup, pretty much
Wow…that kind of puts life’s little annoyances in perspective for me–I guess I do have it pretty good, and I’m thankful for that.
Healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat right - 30lbs overweight, don’t exercise, eat OK
No chronic physical/mental problems - I’ll be better when I start therapy
Satisfied with appearance - If I lost some weight
No debt (beyond typical mortgage/car/student loan) - HAH! (But at ~$13K, I’m sure my CC bills aren’t nearly as bad as some)
Your house has furniture - Yes, although I don’t like all of it
Happily married (most of the time) - Absolutely! (Although I don’t think this should be a requirement)
You have friends - Yep
Satisfied with career & education - Not at all (never finished college; job is OK, but I’ll hate it in a year or so)
-Ideal weight. Never exercise, though, as I hate it. Eating pretty well. Mostly vegetarian. Don’t drink or smoke much.
-Perfect health.
-Pretty good looks, well, at least until my hair falls off (my hairline has started to migrate… and I’m only in my mid-twenties!). When that happens, I’ll be done for. Still hanging in there, though.
-Gargantuan student loan. Too freaking big to be typical.
-No furniture, except for my bed and my desk. Then again, no house either, just a (very nice) one-room apartment.
-No wife, no girlfriend. That might be just as well, though.
-Friends, yes.
-Career and education… well, let’s not get into that at the moment.
What does that all come out as… 3 2/3 out of 8, I guess. More work needed, it seems. Well, of course, it’ll all look better as soon as I write that best-selling novel.
You have to be careful with a checklist like that. I have most of the things on the list and if you wrote up a superficial description of my life, many men would happily be willing to take my place. If you drill down deeper however, most homeless crack addicts would refuse to take the deal.
I am a person of extremes and my life, my luck, and my fate reflect that.
Hum, no. I am about 20 pounds overweight and don’t eat well at the moment. I am waiting for the “light bulb moment” so that I can do something about it.
No chronic physical/mental problems (or at least they’re being managed)
OK here.
Satisfied with appearance
Yes - I don’t much care one way or the other, which is lucky as I’m no great catch.
No debt (beyond typical mortgage/car/student loan)
No. Only mortgage and car loan.
Your house has furniture (those people w/big houses & no furniture, you’re not fooling me)
Yes, it’s all cheap stuff but we don’t want nice stuff right now as we have two young boys and don’t want to spend our lives yelling at them.
Happily married (most of the time)
You have friends
Yes - right now I’m in a nice place with friends.
Satisfied with career & education
This is an interesting thread, as others have said. It makes me realise that despite money worries and all the other niggles of normal family life, we really are in a pretty much OK situation and I need to be a bit more grateful!
All of the above except married, but I have never had any desire to be.
120 lbs. and in good shape.
no chronic health problems.
not as cute as I was 20 years ago, but holding up very well for almost 42.
no debts except the mortgage.
4-bedroom house with nice furniture, some antiques.
friends, yep.
2 Masters, and I make a nice living at a job I like.
A few years ago, I realized that the worst thing I can say about my life is that I’m not a fabulously wealthy and famous best-selling author, so I really have absolutely nothing to complain about (<mild grumbling>except for those crummy publishers who rejected my novels… </grumbling>).
Well, as a checklist for ‘got it all together’, it doesn’t really tell the whole story. I know one couple who I used to think ‘had it all together’. They certainly met all of your requirements, at least superficially. Wow, did that relationship ever implode into a nasty mess.
Healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat right
A little overweight. I don’t drive, so I walk everywhere, but I don’t “exercise” for the sake of it. I eat pretty much whatever I want. I also smoke like a fiend. No chronic physical/mental problems (or at least they’re being managed)
Aside from the cold I have right this minute, I’m okay. Satisfied with appearance
Yes. I’m not winning any prizes, but as a rule, people don’t run away screaming, either. No debt (beyond typical mortgage/car/student loan)
Very little debt. Of course, I don’t really have much in the way of assets, either. Your house has furniture (those people w/big houses & no furniture, you’re not fooling me)
Good sized apartment, overstuffed. Lots of books, dvds, cds and art, as well as places to sit and enjoy them.
**Happily married (most of the time) **
Happily unmarried. You have friends
A few real friends, plenty of acquaintances. Enough of both to socialize as much as I like, without having to socialize *more * than I like. Satisfied with career & education
Not especially, but since I’m essentially in a holding pattern for the next couple of years, I’m not worried about it, either.
I suppose I don’t really “have it together” in a way that would make other people think of me as “successful.” I’m pretty happy though, so it’s not keeping me up nights.
After taking control of a few of these items a few months ago, (mostly debt and exercise,) I can say yes to all of them. That doesn’t mean we have no problems though, ups and downs like everyone, but over all I know we have a happy and good life. I also know better than to say that all of these items will remain ok fovever just because they are ok now.
Healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat right Yep, pretty good. Lost a lot of weight last year. Could lose another 5kg, but I’m good where I am. No chronic physical/mental problems Again, good. I seem to have made a complete recovery from my earlier illness. Satisfied with appearance Yeah. I never was when I was younger, but now? Yeah. No debt (beyond typical mortgage/car/student loan) None. Don’t need a car and the house is in the clear. Your house has furniture (those people w/big houses & no furniture, you’re not fooling me) Yep. Not a lot of “stuff” that we wish we could have.
**Happily married (most of the time) ** Really good on this count You have friends Enough to keep me happy. I’m a bit of a loner. Satisfied with career & education Always looking to learn new things, but I don’t need any further degrees. As for the job, I don’t like how much time I spend on it, but I do it passably well and the pay can’t be beat.
Healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat right >>>> Nope. Obese, I do exercise, tho not enough, obviously, and USUALLY eat right.
No chronic physical/mental problems (or at least they’re being managed)>>>> Suffering from manic depression, ostio arthritis and high bloodpressure. All off medication since I don’t have health insurance.
Satisfied with appearance>>>> Don’t make me laugh.
No debt (beyond typical mortgage/car/student loan)>>>> My house and van are paid for, and only one credit card, carring my deceased dad’s debt. But being unemployed maked it crushing.
Your house has furniture (those people w/big houses & no furniture, you’re not fooling me)>>>> OK in this department. Plenty of furniture.
Happily married (most of the time) >>>> Not even close. Haven’t had a date since … 1997.
You have friends>>>> A couple of very close friends, that unfortunately live half way across the country. Here in town, I have a couple of aquaintences but no one I can depend on.
Satisfied with career & education>>>> Not at all. I have no career, and my education stopped at high school graduation. Damned depressing.
So… I ask… is there anyone here with a MORE screwed up life than mine???