Anybody know the lyrics to this jingle?

I remember a commercial from when I was a kid for Fig Newtons. There was a guy dressed up like a fig who sang a song that ended with “The Big Fig Newton - one more time! - The BIg Fig Newwwwwton”

Anyone know the whole thing.

I think it’s something like

ooey, gooey rich and chewy inside

cakey flaky tender pastry outside

but this is a 20-30 year old memory here

Continuing your lyrics:

Put the inside in the outside
Is it good? Darn tootin’
It’s the big Fig Newton
One more time!
It’s the big fig Newwwwwwwwtonnnnnn!

Ooey gooey rich and chewy inside,
Tender flaky golden cakey outside,
Put the inside in the outside,
Is it good?
Darn tootin’!
It’s the big Fig Newton!

(Here’s the tricky part…) [Actor balances on one leg]

The big Fig Newton!!

I’m a shameless pop culture junkie. Millions of stupid jingles like that are burned into my head.

ooey, gooey rich and chewy inside

golden flaky tender cakey outside

you wrap the inside in the outside

and you’re good darn tootin’

you’ve got the big Fig Newton!*

I used to do the dance, too.

Wow, three responses in about 20 seconds.

I had most of the lyrics right, just a few off here and there.

I can remember my brother and I imitating the fig and doing the dance way back when.

All of us were close, none of use exact.

Check out the official Dope from Nabisco

Us. None of **us **were exact., damn it.

All these years, I’ve been singing it wrong. Now I have lost all confidence in the dance.
I am disappointed that I did not beat Mr. Blue Sky.

Ooey gooey, rich n chewy inside, Golden flakey tender cakey outside, wrap the inside in the outside is a good darn tootin, doin the big fig newton, here’s the tricky part, the big fig newton, one more time, the big fig newtonnnnnn.

About 20 years ago, a friend of mine showed up at a Halloween party as the Fig Newton guy. We spent the whole night going ‘Here’s the tricky part!’

I was getting a pack of Chewy Chips Ahoy Cookies out of the cupboard “Fudge Filled” too!!! and just started silently singing this jingle to myself in my head and decided to see how old it was. Amazing how our minds work sometimes. Fudge filled chewy chips ahoy was the correlation and here is the answer you seek…
I was born in 1961 btw…
Ooey gooey rich and chewy inside,
Golden flaky tender cakey outside,
You wrap the inside in the outside and it’s a good darn tootin’
The Big Fig Newton One more time!
The BIG… FIG… NEWTONNNNNE!!! (The ton part was held very long and had much more emphasis)

I used to be very pleased with myself that I could “do the tricky part”, which amounted to standing on one foot.

While we’re on the topic, does anyone remember a ditty about a “Rootin’ Tootin’ Fig Newton, and a Rough Tough Cream Puff?”

My brother would sing that to me when I was little.

I remember asking my Dad what was so tricky about standing on one foot, and him replying, “Try it wearing a fig costume.”