Anyone from Syracuse know "The Orange Peel?"

I’m looking for anyone who knows about, has information on or even better, has access to a humor magazine that was published in the 1930’s at Syracuse University called “The Orange Peel.”

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Euty, please take this with the annual production of the Retsof salt mine, because it’s nearly-40-years old recollection, but I’m fairly sure that The Orange Peel, or at least some humor publication playing on the “Orangemen” nickname for S.U., was still around when I was attending high school in the early '60s about 70 miles away. I distinctly recall a recent graduate of S.U. on our faculty letting me look at a publication of this sort.

It may have resurfaced. According to my best source, the 1930’s version merged with another publication called “Argon” to form “The Syracusan” back in 1935. But it’s specifically the 1930’s version I’m interested in.


It’s certain that it existed and is still useful for recalling articles.“the+orange+peel”+syracuse&hl=en

I have had incredibly good luck by emailing the libraries/archives at various Universities and asking about such things. They librarians involved seem to go out of their way to help.

Pull up the U. Syracuse homepage, then try to find a link to library or archive. Then start emailing.

Good luck.