Anyone here play ranked League of Legends?

Hey Anon,

I play LoL regularly, just not in ranked. I tried it our for a while, but found it too ‘serious’. I would say I’m an average player, in that I have good games, and I have bad games, but I found that in ranked play, you almost invariably get the one player on your team who wants to tell you how to build you champ, or gets on your case if you don’t build it exactly as he would have. God forbid you have a bad game, you never hear the end of it.

Having said that, I don’t find the skill level overly daunting, there are more ‘good’ players, and you do get the occasional game with some wizard in it, but if you have a decent grasp of the basics of the game I wouldn’t worry about not being good enough.

Probably one of the better things of ranked, is there seems to in general be a more collaborative approach to champ selection. I can’t recall seeing much at all of the “I want this role or I feed” attitude in ranked.
Out of curiosity, who are your favourite champs to play?