Anyone interested in doing a cooperative Total War Campaign?

People on another message board I once went to did this, and it looked fun. One player starts a campaign and plays until the king dies, then emails the save file to the next player, who plays until the king dies and emails the save file to the next player, and so on. The people who did this also wrote out a narrative of the events that happened during their king’s life, which would add a bit of role-playing fun.

We’d have to decide on which game to play (probably between Rome and Medieval II, and if we want to use any mods with either one), what faction to play as, difficulty level, etc.

Anyone interested?

I’m down with it. It actually sounds like fun. I’d love to see how everyone else plays.
Anyone got the Total Realism patch yet? Is it out yet? That patch was amazing for Rome.

There isn’t a version for M2, at least not yet. I never did try it for Rome. That’s always an option for the campaign we do.

I have to admit I’m not very good at these games, but that’ll just make it more interesting for everyone else, right? :wink:

Exactly. You may want to PM xtisme. I know he likes these games as well. He might be interested.

If you so desire, start us off and let me know the parameters (also, remind me where and how to paste the file in for the save game. I’m sure I can figure it out, but I’d rather not fuck it up.)

Yeah, I was thinking he’d maybe be on board. I tried summoning him via PM.

I guess we’ll do an M2 game. I’ll start it later tonight. I haven’t decided the parameters yet. If there’s anything you or anyone else who will join wants, go ahead and say so. Or even if I start and other people want something else, I can start over if I’m not too far in.

I haven’t decided which faction to be yet. I’ve played as England, France, and Scotland, so I’ll probably choose something besides those. I’m thinking of having the combat difficulty at medium and the campaign difficulty at either hard or medium.

Surprise me. I suggest Denmark.

I’m so damn jealous of you guys/gals. My CPU just isn’t quite strong enough to run the game well. Oh for some upgrade $$$.

Hey, as long as you can run it at all…I don’t see why you can’t get in.

I actually started a thread (which died without comment) on the Total Realism patch for the new Medieval II game. I guess no dopers know any more than I could find out.

I’d be interested in doing this as well, though I’ll be honest…I’ve never played TW this way so may need some walk through helpage. :slight_smile:


Yes, please do if you can. Maybe something like this will help.

The current order is:

  1. Talon Karrde
  2. Least Original User Name Ever

Then it’ll repeat itself if someone else doesn’t come in first.

Does Rome run better? I’ll still start the M2 campaign, but we can stop and switch to Rome if there are people who are interested but can’t run/ don’t have M2.

I only have the TR patch loaded for RTW…so Medieval II would be better for me (I have the latest patch from the vendor).


Didn’t see your post, xtisme. You are number three in the queue. My last post was a response to neorxnawange.

This is my first time playing like this too. I don’t think it’ll be that hard. Well, you might have to work to survive if I put us in a bad position.
Maybe I’ll go with Medium difficulty for campaign, just because this is my first time doing this. Medium is hard enough for me.

Shit, I didn’t know the Total Realism patch came out for it. Link me!

I don’t think it did. I just saw that thread when I did a search on his name to get a link to PM him, and it looked like he was asking about it.

I use this mod with MII, but all it does is give the characters more interesting names, and if people don’t want to install it I think the save file will still be compatible.

Okay, I’ll start a campaign as Denmark.

No, the TR patch for Medieval II is definitely not out. Thats why I started a thread…to see if anyone here knew when it was coming out and maybe just discuss it. I’m not in the TR forum unfortunately myself.

I have the TR patch for Rome, as I said…but my MII game is unmodded. Just the latest vendor patch.


Add my name to the list, too. Sounds like fun.

Oh. Durr. I made a thread asking f the TR patch came out too.

I’ll shut up and play now.
Come on, Talon, get me the beginnings of an empire!

So, if I understand, basically Least Original User Name Ever will send me a saved game at some point, I’ll play until the king dies, then email the saved game to Miller…correct?

You guys better hope I don’t put us in a bad position…I’m usually a bit hard on the heirs and troops. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, I’m currently playing a game as the Spanish, and I can tell you…we don’t want to be facing the damned Timurids! Those elephants are an order of magnitude more horrible than they were in RTW (and the damned Timurids usually have 5-6 in a stack in the game I’m playing!)…what kind of madman puts a CANNON on an armored elephants back and then uses it in a charge? How do you stop them?? Even fire doesn’t seem to make them go nuts soon enough to usually save my main line…


Si, senor.

I remember when I saw people on my old message boards doing this (BTW, this was for the original Medieval, so it was some time ago) did really elaborate writings in the voices of the kings. I’ll give it a shot, but you don’t have to if you don’t want. Here’s what’s going on so far:

In the year 1080, I, King Knud [names will be different if you don’t use the mod I use] decided it was time to start expanding my kingdom. In my home city I worked on improving our farming to feed the men and fund my endeavours. I saw that to the south Hamburg was occupied by a small army of rebels, so I sent my young prince Karl and his men along with some additional soldiers who had been fielded. The assault on Hamburg went rougher than I would have liked, but Karl succeeded in taking the castle.
I sent emissaries to the south and east to secure trade rights with the other factions and started training some men to take another settlement. Taking Hamburg instead of a city may have been a mistake, for I soon found myself running low on money. I sent the men I could spare, led by my daughter’s new husband, north to the small village of Denmark. They took it without too much difficulty, and I rewarded them by letting them loot the city before taking control.