Anyone know this song?

I’ve got an old burned CD with a track I don’t recognize. It’s a female vocalist, the song is kind of folksy in tone with a choir of male backup singers coming in here and there. The main idea in the lyrics is how she’s driving cross country “just trying to make it home.” It has two bridge sections beginning with (respectively) “Love is like a bucket of water” and “Love is like a silver dollar.” Don’t have it with me so can’t quote any more extensive lyrics.

But… ringing a bell? If so, who is it and what’s the song? Google seems to know naught of it.

I am kind of reminded of “Chrome Plated Heart” by Melissa Etheridge but I don’t think that is quite right.

Not even close but it’s the only song I know with ‘silver dollar’ in the title:
‘Silver Jenny Dollar’ by The New Pornographers

I assume you still have the burned CD. Have you tried using Shazam to ID the track?