Anyone Play "Pro-Flight Simulator"?

If so, I sure would appreciate a review.



Well I stay pretty informed about PC games, and flight Sims are a part of that.

I have not seen this game mentioned anywhere on any of the legitimate game sites or magazines that I regularly read. Yet when I google the game I find lots of pages of reviews that all say the same thing, with the same formatting and all with weird unique web addresses. It looks to me that whoever published the game is also gaming the search results for the game.

Steer clear until you find some honest feedback.

Pro Flight Simulator is just a con artist’s repackaging of the free open-source Flight Gear sim. The guy has done some sort of Google manipulation which keeps that fact low in the results page, and the aforementioned fake review sites high.

Here’s the website for the actual Flight Gear sim:
And here’s their statement on the “Pro Flight Sim” guy:

Last time I played Flight Gear it was pretty rough, but they’ve gone through a few new versions since then. I’d be interested to hear what you think of it if you go download it and give it a whirl.

Thanks guys, and I too looked at the reviews and was skeptical as to their authenticity. I’ll check out flight gear as well and report back.



Long download (525MB, and I’m at 86.1), but I guess that is to be expected with all the files the game has. Would one of you guys look at that download page, please, and advise me on what (other than more airplanes), I should also download?

I really appreciate it!


I’ll be checking back on this thread. Flight Gear sounds interesting. I’ve got about 150 hours in FSX; gonna try for that Easter Island badge, soon.

Remember Microsoft Flight guys. It’s free to play. Though the diversity of planes/airports isn’t quite there yet, it might still be fun for some of you.

I lost the download for flight gear. Checked it this morning and it said “interrupted”. Could it have been my virus program cutting in?



Slightly off topic, but I managed to successfully land a 747 by hand last night in Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

On the second try.