Anyone seen the new Headline News?

I’m sitting here watching the “New” Headline News. The screen is split horizontally at about the 45% line near the bottom. In the lower box there’s a rotating series of “headlines”. Under that is sports scores. To the right of all that is a weather map. The top is split 1/3 - 2/3 with the anchor on the right. The left carries the title of the segment or a brief description of the current story. Looks like Bloomberg Information TV will have to spruce up its look.

Oh how I miss Lynne Russell.

I haven’t seen it yet, but Eeeeewww. I hate it already.

God, it sucks.

It’s too cluttered.

It’s too busy.

The “tv” view is too freaking small.

They’re trying to provide way too much information all at once.

It needs to be changed. Quickly. I watch CNN Headline nearly every night, and if this crap doesn’t get cleaned up soon, they’re going to lose this viewer.

I like it…this way you don’t have to wait through the stocks to get to the headlines, or through the headlines to get the sports scores. It’s more info for more people. It’s a bit distracting at first, but after a week or so you probably won’t remember what the old one looked like.

That’s cuz I won’t be watching. If I wanted to see such a tiny viewing area, I’d buy a small TV and watch Bloomberg news.

This was a huge mistake on CNN’s part.

I was getting vertigo watching the screen; way too much going on there!

[edited per request of requester-Czarcasm]

[Edited by Czarcasm on 08-08-2001 at 09:14 PM]

edit to add another o on my “to”

It actually reminds me a lot of the “news” channel in the movie Starship Troopers. “Want to know more?”



As a certifiable information junkie, I loved both Headline News and CNN… however, the new layout makes my eyes hurt. Headline news already compressed stories into suspiciously small packages; is it really such a good idea to pack them even smaller? It’s like news for the hyperactive MTV set. Essentially, news for those who do not want or need it.

Oh, what does it matter?..

Lynne Russell doesn’t work there anymore.


watched about 2 minutes than turned the channel one of the worst ideas in television since “Pink Lady”

It looks a lot like CNBC or whatever the hell that other news channel is. The reason I don’t know what that other news channel is is because I don’t watch it. The reason I don’t watch it is because I hate the screen layout.

From their web site:

Go express your disgruntlement on their feedback page.

Seen it now. Still hate it.

Um, yeah that’s pretty much where the money is. The report I heard said they wanted it to look more like a computer screen, and it’s aimed at 18-35 year olds. I really don’t have a problem with it, and you can’t tell me I’m better able to process information than anyone else on this board, that’s for damn sure.

I hate it. It looks just like Bloomberg, the most annoying channel on cable. Watching Bloomberg for more than 5 minutes gives me a headache.

Does anyone remember a sketch on SNL with Tim Meadows parodying MSNBC? They keep putting up more and more graphics until he’s peeking through a tiny window in the middle. Hilarious.

Hearing this line from one of the reporters made me stop watching the channel:

“This just in : A cart on a roller coaster collided with another cart and 11 people are DEAD!..excuse me, minorly injured”

I don’t really like it. Guess I’ll have to get used to it, but it’s too cluttered. They can really do without the window on the left that does nothing more than comment on what the talking head is saying.

Sheesh if I wanted to watch TV on a thirteen inch TV I would have bought one…I haven’t watched a lot of it, about thirty seconds is all I can stand before it drives me away, but I did notice on the stories I did watch that the panel to the left of the screen didn’t add a lot to the story. They were talking about Rep Condit, and the little screen said he admitted to having an affair with Chandra Levy on his third police interview…I guess they will use that to boil things down for people whose attention span is too short to handle the main articles.


There’s not enough “speed” in the world to make me appreciate New Headline News. The said they going to make it more like the web. Well, they were spot on. It’s like trying to watch a movie over a 56k modem during high traffic times.

When I need a magnifying glass to watch TV on a 30" screen, there’s something wrong.