So, the Jordanian pilot is murdered in a pretty horrible fashion, and pictures are floating around the web. CNN’s little Imp says they won’t be broadcasting them, as it plays into the killer’s hand by getting them the media exposure they want.
So instead, they talk about it non-stop, describing the killing in great detail, over and over and over for hours!
Yeah. Let’s not give them any media attention, ya know? :rolleyes:
I noticed the headline saying that the pilot was killed on January 3rd, and my first thought was “I guess they’re going to be using that banner until something else happens, and they couldn’t say “today” because then they’d have to change it.”
They think the guy was killed a month ago… so the happy murder group was just screwing with the Jordanians/family by letting them think there was a chance they’d let the guy go or trade him.
CNN has been slipping for years, but the final straw for me was when they recently redid their format. I didn’t think it was possible for an actual “news” source to cheapen and stupidify their approach any more than they already had, but they did. Today the giant headlines have screamed “BURNED ALIVE” and “HORROR PLANE CRASH.”
Meanwhile, Reuters is displaying more modestly sized headlines that say “Jordan executes two Iraqi miliants after pilot’s death” and “At least 11 dead as Taiwan plane cartwheels into river on take-off.” In other words, about 6 times the information content in half the screen real estate.
I stuck with CNN for a long time out of habit, but Reuters is my go-to news page now.
I see I’ve beaten to the punch on the part about the new tabloid-friendly web page design. (CNN headline: BEATEN!)
During the Charlie Hebdo episode, I checked in to see if there were any developments and found the entire visible portion of the page was a picture of a cop in something like riot gear under the heading of MANHUNT!. It looked like a damn movie poster. I’m sure it was only the size of the page, which was nearly filled by the headline as it was, that prevented them from screaming even louder. It reminded me of The Onion’s headline when World War II broke out.
That was the moment when it was clear to me that CNN had finally, once and for all, abandoned any pretense of journalism in favor of sensationalism. I said “I’m done” and I haven’t been back.
Ok, I guess I was confused about your point. Mentioning the headline of “killed January 3rd” and using “today” I thought you missed the January bit and read it as Today, February 3rd. Still kind of confused about where “today” would figure in, but not that important in the grand scheme of things.
To work on the CNN angle, why are all news websites going to VIDEO OR BE DAMNED! I don’t want all-video, all the time news. WRITE some freaking news articles.