Anyone want to do the 2022 Secret Santa? [Last Call, sign-ups end 11/15]

I started it last year and it worked out OK. I’m hoping it will work out better with more lead time.

Ok, so here’s what you gotta do:

  1. Put a message in here saying you’re in. In your message put a little bit about the things you like so that we know what to get you. I’ve done enough of these sort of things to realize that the “$20 limit” is BS…we’re all adults who know how these things go. Hey, it’s 2022, just give what you can and we’re all going to be happy with whatever we get.
  2. Send an email to In the email please put your user name, real name, address, and whether you can ship internationally.
  3. Send me a PM that also says “I’m in!”. In your message please put your user name and real name. I don’t need address on this one because I’m just going to use it as a checks and balances for the email (in case something goes awry).
  4. Post here when your package has shipped
  5. Come back and tell us when your package arrives and do be sure and tell everyone what is in it cause us Dopers are a nosy bunch!

Please be sure to sign up before Nov. 10 because the mailing date will be the beginning of December. I haven’t heard of any shipping delays yet, but you never know. I’m hoping that shipping by 12/7 will let everything show up somewhere around Christmas.

ETA I collect small bowls, have cats and enjoy gardening.

I haven’t done this in a few years, so what the heck, I’ll play!

I like the color red, kitchen gadgets, and funny calendars.

No food or beverage items and especially no coffee mugs, please. I don’t mean to be negative, but best to get it out of the way.

I haven’t done this in a few years too. I’m in!

I am male. I like kitchen gadgets, office gadgets (like for a desk or office), tools but no multi-tools like a Leatherman, and I like garage items too. I like cars and airplanes, and motorcycles. I love to travel and see natural wonders and nature’s beauty. I am into photography. I like guns and shooting (for self defense; I’m not a hunter). I like animals and nature, and lately I’ve been fascinated by the jaguar — its hunting prowess, strength, and beauty. I love the outdoors and camping and hiking. I am interested in science and astronomy. I like board games but not video games. I like the main American sports, mostly football and baseball. My favorite teams are the San Francisco 49ers and the San Francisco Giants. I am a patriotic American and am passionate about the USA and the American flag.

Jeez this is starting to sound like a profile for a dating app.

Many thanks to @JaneDoe42, for running this event!

I’m in! My ears are pierced, my t-shirt size is small, I like purple and lavender and anything heart-shaped. Odd colors of nail polish, stuffed animals, cute socks and scented candles are always good. (Sweet scents preferred, esp. anything that smells like food, such as Hot Cinnamon Roll.) Also chewy candies like gumdrops or caramels.

I do not like coffee mugs, anything marshmallow or with nuts, and butterflies. Not a phobia; just that there was a butterfly-motif fad around here a few years ago and I’m done with those critters.

Thanks also to JaneDoe42!

I’m so happy that folks are interested, this has been a hard year and money is tight for many of us. It is great that you guys are being so specific, that makes things so much easier for your Santa.

It looks like my copy and paste skillz weren’t as good as they should have been because I missed

  1. Post here when your package has shipped

  2. Come back and tell us when your package arrives and do be sure and tell everyone what is in it cause us Dopers are a nosy bunch!

Maybe a mod can add these to the OP? So they won’t be missed. What do you think @JaneDoe42 ?

Great idea, thank you. I will report myself post haste!

Sure, I’ll play.

I’m male, and I like foxes. My sports teams are the NFL’s Indianapolis Colts, the NBA’s Indiana Pacers, MLB’s Washington Nationals, and the colleges Indiana University and Kent State University.

I could use a 16-oz. coffee mug, maybe. Or a T-shirt, sized 3XL. A cap, or a small statuette or figurine.

Most excellent! You had enough foresight to show off your fox collection in advance so everyone knows the sort of things you like :slight_smile:

Does your coffee mug need a lid?

Not necessarily. If it doesn’t have a lid, I’ll just use it at home. If it does have a lid, I’ll take it to work with me. The real purpose of it being 16 oz. is so that I can use the 16-oz. button on my new Keurig machine.

That made me laugh!

Look at how fast that was, thank you @engineer_comp_geek for the fix!

That reminds me: Whoever gets me will need to know what I already have, so they don’t send repeats.

So look at my collection in this thread. I have a few posts in there along with all the others.

I’m in. Once again I will trust the sdmb, y’all have given me many amazing things I use to this day.

The first picture here shows some of my baseball collection. In the case are baseballs from every ballpark I have visited (the yellow circle is for the only one I have not yet visited, the Atlanta Braves’ ballpark).

The other two pictures show some other baseball mementos in my collection. These are in the “Baseball Shrine” spare bedroom.

So, I like baseball-related items, be they from the Major League or from the Minor League teams. HTH!



I’m glad you are with us :slight_smile:

Have you been to Victory Field, the home of the AAA Indianapolis Indians? It’s a bit on the old side now, but when I left the city, it was at the time one of the greatest minor-league ballparks in the nation.

I’m in. I like coffee, beer, coffee-flavored beer, ocelots, and books about bad movies or bad television. I wear a 3x shirt, size 12 slippers(the weirder, the better), and my favorite yacht color is royal blue.

Never even heard of it. I’ve been to just a handful of MiLB stadiums.

But I searched on images and it’s a beautiful ballpark. The last time I was there, for work, I was a mere 4 blocks away and wasn’t even aware it was there. Thanks for the tip, I’ve marked it on my map!

The view alone. The Indianapolis skyline is quite lovely.