ANyone watch Robert Roderiguez's Machete?

If so, how did you find it?

I plan on seeing it after the weekend, once the kids are back in school.

I really like Danny Trejo and Cheech Marin. I’m glad to see Danny finally get a lead role.

Besides, I hear it’s pretty gory. And I like the gore. Just not Al or Tipper.

Cafe Society’s “I’ve Seen Machete” thread.

Sorry, I posted in the wrong thread. Please let a mod delete this.

Other thread has open spoilers though, so if your just looking for how people liked the movie, might be worth it to have people anwer here.

I agree because I haven’t seen it yet.

Total hijack… I thought his middle name was Alouicious.[/TH]

i watched this movie last night, and LOVED it!

But not as long as it’s in the wrong forum. Mods?

Awesome, I can’t wait to buy or rent the English-language and/or subtitled version. I say this as someone who’s probably seen “Death Proof” over thirty times. I can’t defend borrowing a version as I did, and I would be more than happy to have Rodriguez and his cast and crew see some good paper from this amusing movie.

Locking this, as there’s a Machete thread in Café Society here:

If anyone wants to start a non-spoiler thread in CS, go ahead.

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