Anyone whose experienced, i need help with the behaviour of 15 yr old boys

Hi everyone, I’m new here so i’m just wondering if this is the right place to post but you seem like a very knowledeable and reasonable lot so here I go…

My boyfriend broke up with me a couple of weeks ago, and sent me a text saying that he loved me, and did I love him to. I then called a mutual friend who told me to tell him the truth, But I then found out he had said alot of stuff behind my back that I really can’t forgive. He’s 15, same age as me.

Why would he say he loved me and then say things like that?
I’m really confused and upset, and need a bit of an insight to why he’d do this to me. Thanks. :frowning:

Um, probably because teenage guys are stupid.

And I do speak from experience.

Get away from his sorry ass and don’t beat yourself up about it.

{{{{Crystal Task}}}}

I know how hard it can be to go through a break-up. I remember being unceremoniously dumped by my boyfriend back when I was 15 (he was 18), although he still had strong feelings for me. We had a bit of a fight that day in which he said some very hurtful things about me to me. It turned out that he hadn’t meant a word he said, but he was just so angry that things came out. This may be the case with your ex, or maybe he’s just an immature little jerk. In the case of the latter, you are MUCH better off without him. You’re young yet, and there are plenty of guys out there who will treat you with the respect you deserve.

There is a third possibility. What was the reasoning behind the break-up? If you had done something to anger him and make him break up with you, he may have vented to the friend about it and called you some not-so-nice names in the process. Or maybe his teenage machismo has kicked in and he wants to look cool and seem like a “big man” by badmouthing you to his friends. Either way, he’d have been acting like a jerk, and I’d reprise my previous advice.
Good luck, honey. And welcome to the boards. :slight_smile:

Just because he’s a teenage boy doesn’t give him some sort of right to lie to you. If he’s telling you one thing and telling his friends something else, dump him.

Not all teenage boys are the sort that will lie to their girlfriends. Go find a guy who will be honest and truthful with you. There are some out there.

Good luck!

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Hello everyone, my name is Barbarian, and I’m a recovering male teenage dork.

It’s pretty common for boys (and at 15, even if we’re having sex, we’re still boys) to say one thing to a lady, and the complete opposite when she’s not around. Why? Because we’re cowards trying to fit in with the crowd, and we often do what we think is expected, not what we really want to do, that’s why.

PS Lemons are for martinis, not tequila. But you shouldn’t be drinking either 'cos you’re only 15 :wink:

Thanks everyone, and now i’m not so sure…
Myabe its just a mixture of all those things-but I can’t really be bothered with him anymore.
And also Barbarian I know, its just something funny one of my friends said a while ago. and of course I don’t drink, i’m a good girl :wink:

You and he are 15. In a while you will discover that you both have your heads up your asses so to speak. Especially when it comes to emotional matters. Eventually your definition of love will be so much more sophisticated and matured you’re going to look back on this situation and wonder what the hell you were thinking at the time.

As far as this boy is concerned, he’s an asshole but try not to judge him too harshly. I would just learn from the experience and move on. Forgive him but tell him to take a hike.

Honestly you’re outlook on life and people are going to change so much in the coming years that you’re going to be quite surprised. Its not like you’re going to have completely opposite viewpoints than you do now, its just that your peerspective will be a lot “fuller”. Meaning you’re going to be seeing a lot more of the picture than you do now because of your lack of experience.

Good luck.

There is a lot of stupid, male bravado at that age (I know whereof I speak). Guys always cut each other down if they say they are “in love.” It is slammed as a sign of weakness, while all along the other guys are actually envious. Sounds like somebody rediculed the guy and he came back with “I don’t really care about her” out of defensiveness.

The guy may be a creep, but more likely he is just confused by his own feelings.

thanks alot guys, you’ve all been a really big help.

Former 15 year old boy here.

He is learing how to be a boyfriend. When you dump him and tell him he is being dumped for being one way with you and another way with his friends, then he may learn that lesson.

Hopefully you will learn that just because somebody says ‘I love you’ does not mean that they mean it or define love in the same way as you do. Learn the difference between what your boyfriend says and what he does and chose one who does wonderful things and not just one who says wonderful things.