AOLpress and Image maps (cross posted at 3F)

I think image maps are cool. I decided to make one for my production company’s website. THAT WAS FOUR HOURS AGO. Help me before I go insane.

How the hell do you save an image map to a server that is NOT AOL on AOLpress? I am being hosted by ($6 a month, no banners! SCORE!) and have sucessfully created an imagemap, and sucessfully uploaded the page, but freeservers only hosts client-maped. But when I attempt to save the image map file to my hard drive, in order to upload it later, it only appears to be saving the server-mapped version, which freeservers does NOT host. Does that make any sense?

I don’t know jack about AOL, or its maps.
But I can write an image map in HTML.
It just takes some work in Notepad (or equivalent), but can be sped up with a text editor like Microsoft’s FrontPage.