Every once in a while I come across a Pit thread which demonstrates that the thread starter is a serious shithead, and the recipient is sompletely undeserving of such an attack.
The latest is Shayna = Bitch, started by a little peckerwood named Cisco. To our credit, many Members have stepped up and defended her – not that she needs it. She’s demonstrated aplomb and wit and grace (am I being redundant?), while Cisco demonstrates his smallness amd delusions of persecution with each succeeding post.
And so I’d first like to apologize to Shayna on behalf of rational Members. Cisco is an ass-boil that needs lancing, and will fade away in due time.
Secondly, I like others to point out some others threads where one of our own was Pitted for no good reason. And since it is the Pit, I specifically encourage trashing the asshat who started the thread. I have to say, it feels great to speak out against injustice!
I might have out this in IMHO, as it’s kind of a poll, but I’d like the evil thread starters to feel something of what they themselves so casually inflicted on others.
Sorry but I think this is a completely unnecessary thread. Every time I’ve seen someone undeservedly pitted it always wind up reflecting badly on the would be pitter. In the thread you referenced Shayna came out smelling of roses while Cisco sounded like a big poopy head.
Perhaps you’re right, but I have to say that thread, not so much the OP as the continuing and unrelenting obtuseness of Cisco in subsequent posts, seriously pissed me off.
I’ve never before suggested that someone be outright banned, becasue I’m kind of a free speech fanatic. I’m even angry about becoming so angry.
Cisco seems to have some issues with accurately transferring thought to keyboard. One hopes this will rectify itself soon before another person irreversibly falls victim to recto-cranial inversion.
What a bad idea this thread is. Pit Cisco if you must but it’s a real bad idea to twist it to involve every thread where someone thinks someone else was unjustly pitted.
Well, i consider myself a rational member of this Board, and i thought Cisco was a bit of a dick in the thread you refer to.
But where the fuck do you get off apologizing on my behalf? If i feel the need to apologize to someone for something, i’ll do it myself, thankyou very much.
And if you want to grovel to someone and curry favor with them, go right ahead. But it seemed to me that Shayna was doing a perfectly good job of defending herself, and that others were also weighing in pretty heavily on her behalf.
If/when someone is undeservedly pitted, it will become pretty obvious in the course of the thread, and the person doing the pitting will be blasted from all sides, as occurred in Cisco’s thread. And it will happen without this sort of blanket apology that serves no purpose whatsoever.
Can I reference this thread if I am ever pitted? Adside from a future ‘get out of jail free’ card, I don’t see the purpose of this thread. Let those attacked defend themselves.
When people have a major problem with someone being pitted, I think they tend to say that in the thread. What’s the purpose of this thread other than to rehash old things, dredge up hurt feelings, and potentially cause bumps to lots of old pit threads that shouldn’t really be resurrected?
I read Cisco’s thread, and think he definitely over-reacted and shouldn’t have started the thread, but I had nothing to add that hadn’t already been said by other posters in support of Shayna. I was actually going to post this morning, but Shayna herself already touched on what I was going to say, so I didn’t.
I also never understood the “apology from someone who had nothing to do with it on behalf of a bunch of people who had nothing to do with it.”