Hi all. I’m abroad in France at the moment, house-sitting for friends for several months. I brought my Apple TV box with me (3rd generation) as I knew they had good internet but no TV aerial, but annoyingly forgot the ATV remote. So I Googled for options and it seemed I’d be able to use my iPhone or iPad as a replacement remote, so all was good. Until I tried, and the app needed me to pair the device with the ATV by entering a code on the ATV, but I can’t as I, clearly, have no remote to navigate with to access the menus or type the numbers. Chicken, meet egg.
There seem to be multiple options described all over the internet on how to resolve this easily, but they all seem to gloss over or ignore this step, and any workarounds I’ve tried have proved fruitless. If it’s doable then I’d love to hear how. If it’s impossible then it would be great to have a definitive “no” now so I don’t keep wasting time trying. (I’ve already reset and updated the ATV via iTunes and micro USB too, to no avail).
All comments and thoughts welcome, thanks.