I was reading an article in the Daily Mail UK edition about a suspected female serial killer. It caught my eye and interest because serial killers are most often male. I lost it though, when I read the line:
Share your aptly named people (or animals/places/etc.) found in news articles.
I just read about them and my immediate thought was that if he is that tall and she has a green tattoo in her face they probably shouldn’t commit crimes.
I used to live near a house/office that had a sign in front: “Seymour Kuntz, OB/GYN.” I’d bet anything that he chose his profession, then changed his name.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but it looks like from Googling that his name may be Gary Richards and Stretch is an appropriate nickname. The Daily Mail and the Mirror seem to be uncharacteristically lax on their standards. It would be “cool” if his name were Gary Slaughter or something. Gary Stretch is a different guy, semi-famous, but he’s only 6’0"
I vaguely recall, from some high-profile execution some years ago (Ted Bundy? 1989) there was somebody in the news about it named “Slaughter”. IIRC, it was one of the witnesses to the execution who was interviewed about it and the interview was in the papers.
Oh, I don’t care if they made it up out of whole cloth (a distinct possibility with some news rags today). It was apt, in print, for all the world to see. It takes very little to entertain me.