Criminals With Apt Names...

Maybe it’s just coincidence (or is it?;)). But some criminals have some very appropriate names.

Back when I was going to U of M Dearborn-Michigan, my college professor matter of factly mentioned, that some people thought Charles Manson’s name was ironic, because I guess he was in many ways the wayward son of mankind.

Okay, that one wasn’t the best. But what about Bernie Madoff? He literally made-off with his investors money. Sounds fitting, doesn’t it?

Anyways, that is all I can think of for now. I am sure some of you can come up with some better examples.

What famous criminals have ironic names?


I know two convicted felons who have the surname of Outlaw.

Joey Buttafuoco - Sodomy (among other charges)

I thought these were going to be criminals with apartments named for them.

I know a guy who has been in all sorts of trouble, mostly DUI related. He did his full three years in prison for a DUI (refused to do things that would have halved his time in prison). His name? Bud Light Billy.

This may be urban legend, but I’ve heard stories about a man arrested for DUI whose name was Al Cohol.

Jamaican drug lord Christopher Coke.

My favorite, John Dillinger. Sounds like derringer (the pistol).

Real life Walter White meth dealer.

The Krays. Because it sounds like craze, and they were both mad.


Unless one of these criminals was named Art and stole from a museum, I think I’m going to have to move this to IMHO.

I was going to post the old chestnut about Sir Edmund Godfrey being murdered at Greenberry Hill by three men named Green, Berry and Hill, but it appears that it’s all a bit of a contemporary folk etymology. The hill was actually known as Primrose Hill and after the (possible) murderers were hanged there, it was know for a time as Greenbury Hill.

Pat Swindall, former US Representative.

Lorena Bobbitt

Anthony Weiner

Gotta love Johnny Stompanato.

Can it get much better than this?

The aptness may be debatable, but it’s hard to beat an (alleged) criminal named Reality Winner.

Those headlines have been throwing me for days now.

I’ve also had patients with the last name of Badboy and Killer.
