“A Twizzler is not a sprinkle! Perhaps in shagri-la they are but not here!”
Lisa: You must think I’m a monster.
Apu: Yes I do.
Homer: Well, we didn’t have the tools or the know-how, but we had a wheelbarrow full of love.
Apu: And a cement mixer full of hope and some cement.
Chockfull of heady goodness!
I have asked you nicely not to mangle my merchandise. You leave me no choice but to … ask you nicely again.
<sings> For no reason, here’s Apuuuuuu
Shiva H. Vishnu!
“Mrs. Simpson. I, I cannot go there. That is the scene of my spiritual depantsing.”
“Oh, the searing kiss of hot lead, how I’ve missed you!”
“Oooh, they used nylon rope this time. It feels so smooth against my skin… almost sensuous.”
“You can emerge now from my chips. The opportunity to prove yourself a hero is long gone.”
“Oh, Mister Simpson, you are looking very prosperous today. Might I interest you in some of our impulse items here by the cash register? Perhaps a crazy motorized Wiggle Pen?” (Turns on pen) “Look at… the craziness… !”
Apu: “Snap on your bulletproof vest, Sanjay, it’s time for another bank run.”
Sanjay: “All right. But if I don’t make it, promise you won’t sleep with my wife.”
Apu: “I promise nothing.”
Please pay for your purchase and get out and come again!
I can’t believe you are not shutting up!
“It’s payback time … and this time it’s personal”
“The Nigh Mets are my favorite squadron”
“Sorry, baby, date’s over!”
The exploitation of the frozen geyser was excellent.
oh heavens no! what has been implied here?
get out! and come again!
Please Mr. Homer do not offer my got a peanut!
“Oh, Marge…how could you?!”
“There’s a nut in my eye!”
“It turns out I was actually an American citizen, I just plumb forgot.”
I won’t lie to you. On this job you will be shot at.
My ceiling mirrors and video cameras sometimes see more than who is about to shoot me
“Silly customer! You cannot hurt the Twinkie!”
“our new hot dogs are nearly rectum free”
“I am not interested in buying your house, but I will use your toilet and rearrange your magazines. Ha! Now you know how it feels!”
“He’s blind as a bat!”
“You will all have an opportunity to be gouged!”
Legomancer - I’m pretty sure it’s:
“I can’t believe you don’t shut up!”