Que Godzilla.
Cool! In the CNN article, the photo shows that the creature only has six arms. I thought these guys had eight plus two longer arms with pads at the end.
Here’s the National Geographic article.
This is the coolest ever.
And yes, they dop have 8 arms plus 2 feeding tentacles, and it’s unclear from the photo whether we just can’t see all of the arms, or if it somehow lost some earlier in its life.
I, for one, welcome our new giant squid overlords.
We’re going to need a bigger boat.
(with lots of Marinara sauce)
I’m just checking in hoping to find Google Ads for calamari and “Cthulu for Overlord” t-shirts.
I love his name.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s pronounced, “arky-tooth-is”.
That is totally <whatever the opposite of mellifluous is>. A rotten mouthful of consonants and vowels that don’t seem to go together. It looks part Greek, part French, part Latin. I don’t know what to make of it at all. Is “teuthis” even related to any other word?
Why not Mariana sauce?
You only have to apply it once, in 1960…
runs for her life
Seriously, from the pictures I saw in today’s paper, the thing looks tiny. I could fry that thing up in my home kitchen with soy sauce and garlic. How big can giant squid get?
Anyone bothered by the fact that they accidentally ripped off one of it’s tentacles in the process, causing it to swim away?
Now, the waters are no longer safe… Beware - squidzilla - attacking the first human it sees to avenge having its tentacle ripped off… Its now “singing” in a higher pitched squid voice… :dubious:
Ripped off tentacle squid story:
I was in a small boat trolling a large lure in the Sea of Cortez in search of tasty mahi-mahi. I hooked something, but it did not fight much. I reeled in a large calimari squid (about as long as my leg!) that had attacked the lure thinking it was a fish. I didn’t want the thing in the boat with me so I grabbed the top of the lure and ripped it away from the beast. This pulled off one of the tentacles that had gotten impaled on a hook. I watched as the injured squid sank into the clear water depths. Suddenly, three more squid came shooting in and all three glommed onto the injured one, wrapping it up in their tentacles and eating it alive! It’s a cruel world out there if you are injured!
Let’s see the Iron Chef take one these guys out of a tank and make dinner!
Et tu, Calimari?
Reminds me of grad school.
I think “cacophonous” is the word you’re looking for. To tell the truth, “Architeuthis” isn’t even in the running for me. Not when there are words like “Syzygy” and “Chthonic” running around free.
Tentacles! Why is it always tentacles?!!
25 feet long is tiny? Wow. How big are you?
From what I read in The Search for the Giant Squid, by Richard Ellis, is that their flesh tastes like ammonia. They aren’t good eatin’, unless you’re a sperm whale.
They’ve been waiting years for this one.
3 cheers for Dr. Kubodera!
This article made my day. Freaking Sweet!!!
I just wish they could have gotten a closer up shot of the head and photographed the eye.