Are there any new "nursery rhymes"?

I read/rell my granddaughter a lot of nursery rhymes that I assume my grandparents taught my parents. Baa baa black sheep; Wee Willie Winkie; Little Miss Muffet; etc.

I was wondering if there were newer, more multicultural English-language nursery rhymes these days. What is the most recent nursery rhyme that is in most common use?

Hmm - been a while since I posted an OP that sank without a comment! :smiley:

Was just wondering, in light of so much having been said about expanding the literature canon beyond dead white guys, whether similar efforts had occurred at the youngest level.

Surred by my observation that my wife might have lost her mittens, prompting both of us to go into:

Lost your mittens, what naughty kittens. Now you shall have no pie!

I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t really a Mother Goose for the 21st Century. (Though I’m sure someone’s written an anthology or two with that gimmick. Just hasn’t made a dent on the culture.)

What I see with the young children I know is a lot of songs and rhymes from children’s TV shows and honestly, I’m not surprised. Jack Be Nimble is kinda surreal and hard to conceptualize but Daniel Tiger’s Grownups Come Back is relevant and comforting.

Yeah - my daughter is a youth librarian, and I hear her singing all manner of songs to her 3 yr old. My understanding is that she uses those in the story time classes she leads.

So many of the Mother Goose rhymes are so obscure/weird. Peter Peter pumpkin eater. Simple Simon met a pieman. Goosey goosey gander, where dost thou wander. This little piggy. :rolleyes:

How many folk still know the “classic” rhymes and repeat them to young kids?

My daughter is 28. A few weeks ago we met her for dinner. She was surprised (neutrally) that her meal contained egg. I said, “bad egg, said Max”. She responded without missing a beat, “good egg said Ruby”. My gf was totally nonplussed until I explained the reference.

Not a nursery rhyme, but pretty amazing that we both remembered lines from a book neither of us had seen in 24 or so years.

It occurs to me that I never really told my youngest any nursery rhymes. I read to him a lot (still do) and he knows a lot of basic fairy tales but no real rhymes. He’s much more likely to recite a bit of Dr Seuss or a Shel Silverstein poem than something about Jack Sprat.

Not a rhyme, but I’ve multiple times staved off panic attacks in young children when something goes wrong, by saying “Can We Fix It?” in the Bob-the-Builder intonation, whereupon they instantly reply “Yes We Can”.

I think that one might have rolled out of relevance now, though.

Yeah - I guess Dr. Seuss and Silverstein - tho not horribly recent, are certainly more recent than Mother Goose.

I’m sure short rhyming couplets are appearing in children’s literature all the time. I used to read them in the supermarket to distract toddlers while their mom shopped. Will any catch on and become the new nursery rhyme? Check back on the SDMB in 550 years and see.

Again, not a nursery rhyme, but I always thought that “That’s not my name” by The Ting Tings was plain and simple a playground chant.

Not sure I ever saw this video before, so further intrigued to see the snippet of skipping rope. Self aware? Or someone pointed it out?
