Are there Blacks-only schools/universities in the US?

Someone told me today that there were Blacks-only schools in the US. I pretty much doubt it, and if they enforce that, wouldn’t they be violating whatever law ended segregation in the US?

I’d be VERY surprised if the answer were yes.

If the answer is yes.

Note to myself: Preview, preview, preview…

Mighty_Girl, there are colleges that are considered “historically black”. Here is an approximate listing of some of them.

Here is an article about the history of the HBCUs in the US and how they came about.

That said, I don’t know of any that are all black. I myself have come close to attending at least three HBCUs because they offer my major. I’m not black, and I would have been welcome at all of them. (FTR, the three were Texas Southern University in Houston, Norfolk State in Virginia and Southern University in Shreveport, LA.)


I don’t think so. Some predominantly black schools have recruited white students.
There are women only schools. Maybe that’s what that someone meant. :slight_smile:

I always assumed that the answer was a pretty big yes, and that Howard U (for example) would be at least 95% black. According to this…

…Howard’s “minority representation” is as follows…

American Indian/Alaskan Native: 1%
Asian/Pacific Islander: 2%
Black/Non-Hispanic: 74%
Hispanic/Latino: 1%

Presumably, the other 22% of students are “majority” - white.

Prepare to be surprised. The Nation of Islam’s University of Islam only accpets black students. Presumably black Nation of Islam students. Okay, not such a big surprise.

Count me as one of those who, although white, attended an HBCU. At my school, you would have been right about the 95% black Hemlock…in the undergraduate division. The graduate schools tend to attract a more diverse group, although still predominately black (at my law school, a little over 50%). My guess is that this is true at Howard as well, and the undergrads are more than 74% (although you may have been quoting the undergrad statistics and not the whole school for all I know).

I am caucasian and I attended Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, which is a historically black school. At the time (mid-nineties) the overall student population was around 70% black. The college of Pharmacy, though, was about 50% black and the remainder of the students in my class were mostly of Asian descent or white. This was because there are only 3 pharmacy schools in Florida, and we had a lot of students who saw this as a great opportunity despite being a “minority”. In my six years there, I never once experienced even a hint of prejudice or bias because of my skin color. The other white students on campus seemed comfortable, and during the last day of classes, right before graduation, one of the profs asked a group of white students how they felt they had been treated since coming to A&M. Each one of them echoed my sentiments, and agreed that race was a non-issue.

My experiences at an HBCU:

The enrollment was open to all regardless of race. However, the applicant had to write an essay on how attending the school would help them understand the African-American experience. (Not in those words, but that is what it came down to.) Almost the only white students at any given time were a couple of E. European exchange students.

“Black” covers an extremely wide range of skin colors and mixed parentage. Many students were, to the eye, white. (Cf. Spike Lee’s “School Daze”.) So it was really quite a mixed group. Some had red hair and freckles. OTOH, the students from Africa stood out from the American students. (And unfortunately suffered discrimination as a result.) Note that only the individual has the right whether or not to call him/herself “black.”

Note that you cannot discriminate on the basis of race and get federal funding. Since the private HBCUs live mostly on federal money, they cannot officially discriminate on race. (But somehow by gender is okay.) I assume the Nation of Islam school mentioned earlier does not receive federal funding.

There is a big difference between private and public HBCUs. The public ones are usually much more diverse. Some are no longer predominantly black at all. The private ones are mostly in terrible financial shape. Fewer students are interested in attending them and their alumni don’t donate as much as majority private schools. Expect 2+ a year to fold in the coming years.