Are there ever any Edmonton Dopefests?

I ran a search for “edmonton” and never found any mention of one. Are there even enough dopers in the central Alberta area to have a reasonably sized get-together? I’ve read accounts and seen pics of some dopefests before, and they look like fun.

Whoa manny! While 'fest stuff is generally MPSIMS material, there is a factual answer. It is “yes.”

** Alexxandra**, search “Edmonton dopefest” in MPSIMS with any date and 18 not too old threads come up. There are others up there.

Hie thee over to MPSIMS and round 'em up.

I’ll move this to MPSIMS even if there is a factual answer.

moderator GQ

There used to be, when I lived in Alberta.

Hey there Alexxandra. There are dopefests here but they are few and far between. Last one that I know of happening (and I was at) was a little over a year ago, when Cumber came up from Australia for a visit. If there have been any since. I did not know of them or go.

Generally the way we run them though, is whoever suggests a Dopefest… is the one who gets to plan it. The best way is to just gather an idea of how many people are coming and pick some decently priced place at a central location. The one I planned ended up at Julio’s Barrio on Whyte then to Filthy McNasty’s for drinks afterwards. It was fun.

If you want to plan one I’ll do my best to get it off and come.

There appears to be only about 32000 Dopers in total; I bet Edmonton has… two dozen. Too many for slip-n-slide, not enough for the Shaw Centre. :wink:

I’ve only been to two DopeFests… we had max… 12 people at one I think. The last one… and that was including 3 out of towners I think it was… (Dave, Ginger and Cumber. As Ginger never lived in Edmonton, she just showed up for our DopeFests :stuck_out_tongue: )