The feminization of the media seems to be unending. Have you seen the New Day on CNN? On the 1st morning, young Cuomo - who looks like a prospective axe killer - said “We are going to present much more good news and a lot of heart-warming stories.” The time slot has gone from tee,hee,hee, haw, haw, haw to Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest, all to satisfy these female focus groups who want ever-more fun and good news.
Here in Canada, CBC had a morning program that should be classical music, but seems to have morphed into easy-listening for the diaper buying, Oprah loving, freezer section mom. The host is one Julie Nazrallah (probably spelled wrong). She has the most utterly sickening, sugary voice i have ever heard anywhere. You have to hold your sides from puking. Last week she was attempting some moronic sentimentality and said do you ‘remember your favourite aunt giving you her recipe for perogies?’ and today she said Handel’s tribute to The great one - Wayne Gretzky before i could hit the “off” button.
I cannot believe women are as stupid as the stupidification of everything that has taken place on their behalf. It is also pretty inexplicable that so many women go on about being entitled to be CEO’s and bitching about that nasty Glass Ceiling while simultaneously being represented everywhere as absolutely empty-headed donkeys.
How could this happen? To be quite impolite, I think as the younger group has slowly replaced the elders in so many parts of education and the media, the younger set is dominated (and badly represented I hope) by the lumpen proletariat/lesbian celebrants of average who despise cultivation and refinement in favour of grunge, awesome, more grunge, Burger King and political correctness, easy listening and always wearing black.
It seems women are too docile or dumb to protest the stupidity of the way they are represented today, and as a result, the stinky mediocrity of what the rest of us have to deal with daily.
This is going to go well.
sits back with a tub of popcorn
hey, look! a talking van!
Yup, we are just that dumb.
ETA: We sleep with men, don’t we?
Something tells me the OP would not be able to answer your question Anaamika.
Some of you do.
You’re not as good of a troll as our other guy.
Yeah, I was thinking that. How do people think they will get laid with views like that?
Oh yeah. Women are just dumb.
And they have cooties!
: coughs all over thread :
Ugh, Thog no like talkee womans, Thog want bash!
I vote we exchange this one for Ivan, whoever he is.
Yeah, it’s the lesbians. That’s why the OP can’t get laid.
Gordan Ramsey?
I also liked this part.
And dig creeps. This, I suppose, is why certain things don’t get bred out of the gene-pool.
Hoda and Kathy Lee are on and it’s Booze-day Tuesday!
Loooool. I thought everyone’s noticed that “media representation” of basically any group* at all is moronic and embarrassing (and has been for quite awhile).
- women, men, millennials, seniors, hipsters, foodies, radiator fetishists, etc.
Every day is booze-day.
We just got rid of Umkay. Can we keep this one?
This one has been around longer, and has posted a few threads. He/she must be having a bad day and is spoiling for a fight. It helps relieve pent-up frustrations.